Tuesday, November 14, 2023

May 2023

 Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

May 10, 2023  7 PM (said 2022)

Remote Meeting

7:00 Present: Ian, Ric, Doug, Lily, Ron, Ann, Ninja, Alan, Jolene, Barb L, Jessica and Karen.

Minutes  Motion by Barb L and seconded by Lily to approve the April 2023 minutes. The minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

There were 8 plots that canceled their plot for the season before the May 1st deadline. Six of those received a refund and 2 plots donated their fee to the gardens. There is a long waiting list. 


There have been three recent requests for the Committee to consider.  

The first is a proposed workshop in insect identification by an Entomologist who is also a gardener. The time would be June 24 from 11am to 1pm.

Second, two gardeners who own a local restaurant would like to have a benefit dinner on behalf of the gardens.

Third, DATCP (State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection) would like to survey the gardens for plant diseases.  They would choose 10 random plots to take leaf samples.  Discussion ensued.  It was agreed that individual gardeners could request that their  plot not be part of this survey.  

Weed Juries

There was earlier discussion about having more frequent weed juries.  It was agreed that there would be twice a month weed juries starting in June with the deadlines being the first week and the third.

Anniversary Party

The 61st anniversary of the gardens is this year and the party is planned for September.  Lily has been finding old articles about the gardens and plans to make a display.  Jolene suggested that the Wisconsin Historical Society might be able to help finding information.  She also said that the Community Center staff might be able to help with the party.  

Lily says the ice cream idea will probably be too expensive for us.  Perhaps we could have some non-perishable snacks. The Committee could potentially provide some and gardeners could bring more. Discussion ensued.  Lily thought we should open up the party to apartment residents because some new residents might not know about the gardens.  Jolene said we might be able to have the Ice Cream Social that Housing has in conjunction with our party.

Doug volunteered to have a tomato tasting contest.  

Since we had some new people at the meeting we all introduced ourselves.  

Orientations have gone well with just a few people left needing orientations. 

Lily reports that the access on the north south path (not a road according to the GOC) should be limited to large produce pick ups by FH King.

In Person Meeting for June 14

We will meet at Eagle Heights garden at 7pm on June 14.  The rain location will be Room 139 in the Community Center.  We will have the next outside meeting at University House.

Garden Worker Report

Ian said there are three workdays planned.  Paint the tools and fix the wheelbarrows.

The 1101 plumbing leak has been fixed by the plumbers.

Review of Calendar

Things done!

A sign is posted to inform gardeners that the water is non potable.

The Eagle Heights gate lock has been installed.

Blackberries and trees are gone from 927B.

To do May

Paint tools 

Fix carts and wheelbarrows

Make plot markers

Replace 1300’s waterline

Dumpster is arranged to remove the bricks by the weedpile.  Junk in the shared tree island will be removed at the same time.

To do June

Paint signs by gardener volunteer

Turn 114B and 115 into a rain garden. Doug has volunteered and will talk with gardeners who did the rain garden by the Arbor.

Clean tree line and chip.  Perhaps plant blueberries.

Work Party to maintain the 700’s wall

Various other weeding parties noted in calendar


Ian reports he needs gas for the mowers.  Jolene says she will work with UW Housing because they supply the gas.

The porta potty will be cleaned on Thursday. A new sign will be posted in Spanish, French, English, Korean and Chinese that says: Contents of toilet are poisonous. Do not use in garden! 


Lily removes community tools from plots when she sees them.  The weed Juries will be asked to concentrate on plots with noxious weeds like Artemesia, thistles and they will remove tools and cats from plots.  

Ron asks if it would be alright to have the West High Rocket Club have a fundraiser at the gardens with the club members doing work in individual plots for donations to the club.  After discussion, it was decided that it would not be a good idea. 

There are very few garden forks.  More were bought, but they need to be painted.

Motion to adjourn by Barb L and seconded by Lily

Adjourned about 7:37 pm.

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee   

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