Thursday, December 15, 2022

August 2022

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

August 10, 2022  7 PM

Remote Meeting

7:00 Present: Lily, Megan, Jolene, Jessica, Ann, Barb A, Ninja and Karen.

Minutes  Motion by Lily and seconded by Barb A to approve the 

July 2022 minutes. The minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

Lily said there are 6 full plots and 2 half plots vacant.  Two new applications were received today for full plots.  The empty plots are in bad shape with tall weeds.  Lily said two University Houses abandoned gardens were recently given to new gardeners.  Megan and Lily did a walkthrough of the gardens and found many trees that need to be removed.  Some of the trees are quite large.  The trees need to be removed.  

Lily will try to order a dumpster for the unwanted bricks at the weed pile.  The gardens were offered some large stones by UW Physical Plant.  After email discussion it was agreed to not take the stones as they were very large and would be difficult to work with using human labor.  

Garden Worker Report

Megan will be having workdays soon.  The water leak at the end of the 1100’s is getting worse.  Megan will dig it tomorrow and try to fix it.  

Megan will make a kit for signs for the Share Shelf, Lost and Found and Wood Chip Forks so a gardener can make these as a workday.

Megan said the tree island at the end of the 600’s is cleaned up and is ready for picnics at the multiple tables.


We need more workdays.  Discussion ensued.  Garden lead workdays are a good idea.  It was suggested that we ask gardeners if they want to lead a workshop on a gardening topic of their choice.  Gardeners would submit their proposals to the committee for approval.  Another independent workday idea is clearing weeds along the paths.  The cart repair workday is coming soon. 

The buffer zone planting drainage way north of the 500’s needs to be cleaned up and maintained.  Megan said she thinks it will take multiple workdays to clean it up. 

Mexican Bean Beetles

Lily said we ordered the parasitic wasps as soon as Gretel detected Mexican Bean Beetle larva.  We immediately ordered the wasps and they came in two weeks.  This timing seems to be perfect because there is little bean beetle damage on the beans.  We should do it this way next year.


The arbor garden is teeming with bees and hummingbirds.

Ice Cream Social could be in September.

Motion by Barb A and seconded by Lily

Adjourned around 7:25

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee   

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