Thursday, December 15, 2022

November 2022

 Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

November 9, 2022  7 PM

Remote Meeting

7:00 Present: Lily, Ric, Niels, Jessica, Ann, Megan, Ninja, Jolene, Barb L, Ron, Barb A and Karen.

Minutes  Motion to approve the October 2022 minutes. The minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

Lily says the 2023 application has been updated and includes mandatory orientation for new gardeners.  There will only be one workday required for 2022 and 2023 due to too few workday opportunities.

The Gardens Network Rooted would like to do a workshop in the gardens in June.

There was a discussion about where to put job postings for the Garden Worker positions.  There was a comment about how easy it is to read older documents about the running of the gardens.  

Garden Worker Report

Megan said we have the cart parts order but it is cold and hard to work in the shed. Garden tools are being put away this weekend and the tool order will be made then. We probably need forks and thin tine forks. A set of tools will be left out at University Houses and two sets at Eagle Heights.

Long Range Plan

The Long Range Plan was developed over the last year with the help of Rhonda from Facilities Planning.  The committee needs to review the draft, make additions or corrections and  approve the draft. Discussion ensued.  There is a need for more activity from the Weed Juries.  Perhaps there should be two groups a month.  This would mean the gardens would be reviewed twice a month during the growing season.  We should consider asking gardeners to remove certain weeds like thistles and Artemisia.  We would need twice the number of jurors. The 700’s wall is listed in the draft, but it has been completed.  There was a suggestion that ongoing maintenance tasks should be listed, like the maintenance of the 700’s wall.  A rough draft of tasks would be good. 

A calendar of tasks would be good.  Someone mentioned that there is an existing one someplace.  Ann sent an electronic copy of an old calendar.  An example would be having the mowers serviced every January.

It would be a good idea to have a permanent map of plots that would indicate all the possible half plots in the garden so the map always has all the information.  There are a few plots that cannot be divided.  There is also a problem with the marker posts.  We are considering using PVC cap on metal posts to mark plots.

One of the high priority items is the erosion on the north-south road at Eagle Heights.  Discussion ensued.  The concrete pieces protect our water pipes. There was concern that this road should be a shared responsibility because others drive on the road but gardeners just walk on it.  This is a discussion item for the GOC.

The access to the first weed and leaf pile at University Houses is a difficult problem.  The road floods and is very soft during rainy conditions.  We have permission to dump on the basketball court and move the pile with small mechanical equipment.  The other choice is to service University Houses during dry or frozen conditions.  

Path maintenance was discussed.  Perennial weeds are a problem.

Finishing the 900’s wall from 929 to 921 is on the list.  Megan said we probably don’t have enough good material to build a wall.

Invasive species control is also important.  The ditch along the 100’s does not drain well and there is sometimes standing water.

Evaluate the irrigation system.  What about having two lines go up the main road and service alternating rows.  That way when one line sprung a leak, water would not be as far away.  We should establish a minimum depth for the lines. Every riser needs a post. The 100’s line is about 5 years old now and gives no problems.  The 1300’s line is probably the worst, but 1100”s is also bad.  Megan says she would be capable of replacing a single line, but the UW plumbers would need to do the main lines.  The Committee thought we should ask the advice of the UW Plumbers about how to proceed.  We would have to do the digging as they do not dig. We need some plumbing volunteers.  Tom Bryan also knows about plumbing.  There should be a Sub-committee about irrigation which Megan and Niels expressed interest in.  We own all the risers and faucets already.  Establish what needs to be done, prioritize the tasks and do them. 

The issue of unmanaged birdhouses is mostly solved with the wren plates installed. We need to get rid of the broken bricks. 

The leaf pile will be discussed at the next meeting.

Motion by Niels and seconded by Megan to adjourn. Adjourned 8:14

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee   

October 2022

 Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

October 12, 2022  7 PM

Remote Meeting

7:00 Present: Lily, Ninja, Jolene, Barb L, Ron, Barb A and Karen.

Minutes  Motion by Barb A and seconded by Lily to approve the 

September 2022 minutes. The minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

Lily says she has been sick and will leave the meeting after her report.  Lily has sent the long term planning document draft to the Committee list.   Some of the suggestions include, should the garden juries meet more frequently? We could have a discussion of the draft at the next meeting.

Since freezing weather is in the forecast, water turn off has been requested from the UW plumbers.  There are quite a few abandoned plots but the number is not out of the ordinary.  

Garden Worker Report

Jolene said that Megan turned in a large carts part order yesterday.  Human Resources has approved our request for 3 garden workers.  The positions will be posted on January 1st of the year.  The committee was very positive about how well the mowing contact for the year was done by Tanya.  We need mowing done like this every year, which is 2 hours a week.  The committee needs to brainstorm about hiring good garden workers.  Jolene suggests that we have a written statement about what is expected in a garden worker.

Jolene reports that Will resigned last month as a garden worker. He could still do contract plumbing work.

The large water leak near the leaf pile has been fixed.


We all introduced ourselves as there was a new attendee.

Adjourned 7:25

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee   

September 2022

 Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

September 14, 2022  7 PM

Remote Meeting

7:00 Present: Lily, Megan, Arya, Jessica, Barb A, Niels, Alan, Ric and Karen.

Minutes  Motion by Barb A and seconded by Lily to approve the 

August 2022 minutes. The minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

We were asked by a student group to participate in a bee hotel workshop that would be located near where FH King had their old beehives.  There was discussion about the health of native bees and which practices are best for native bee health.  Barb A agreed to work with the group to insure the well being of the native bees.

Ulrike has agreed to do a straw bale garden workshop next year.  Matt proposes a beelining workshop, which we will review. 

There is an issue of maintenance along the path edges.  At this time of year there are many woody weeds along some pathes.  The weed wackers will no longer clear them,  Discussion ensued.  Megan thinks that weed wacker use should be supervised.  A serious problem with path weeds is cutting into the water line while digging weeds.  Gardening outside the plot border is also a problem because people can cut the water line.  

Lily has asked if horse manure can be delivered again this year.

The ice cream social will not be held this year, but there will be a casual harvest social this fall where gardeners can talk to other gardeners.  Lily will pick a date and announce it.  

Garden Worker Report

Megan said the pandemic was hard on workdays.  Garden workdays are good opportunities for education and training in the gardens. Community gardens are social and gardening.  We have lots of turnover and many gardeners.  We are not looking for perfection in the gardens.

Discussion ensued about path maintenance.  Suggestions included having a path steward, cleaning the six inches along the plot border so the path could be kept mowed close and schedule work days early in the season.


Combining workdays for this year and next is not a great option, but we have had a lot of gardeners that want to do a workday, but have not had an opportunity to do so.  Lily does not want a gardener to have to pay for a workday if they were willing to work.  We do not have enough supervisors to get enough work days before the end of the season. 

Motion by Barb A and seconded by Karen to combine this years and next year's workday requirement.  Motion passed 9-0.

The Arbor Garden workday needs 2 volunteers.  Megan will have a workday next weekend.  

Cart Repair and marker posts

Megan has a list of needed parts to repair the carts.  Discussion ensued.

Forty marker posts are missing at University Houses and all marker posts were there at the beginning of the season.  There was a suggestion to use a white pvc cap screwed on top of the conduit .  The numbers would be painted on. The committee thought this was a good idea.

Motion by Ric and seconded by Jessica to spend up to $1000 for cart parts and conduit.

Motion passed 8-0.

Mexican Bean Beetles

Lily said we ordered the parasitic wasps as soon as Gretel detected Mexican Bean Beetle larva.  We immediately ordered the wasps and they came in two weeks.  This timing seems to be perfect because there is little bean beetle damage on the beans.  We should do it this way next year.


Niels suggested meeting in person.

Motion by Jessica and seconded by Niels


Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee   

August 2022

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

August 10, 2022  7 PM

Remote Meeting

7:00 Present: Lily, Megan, Jolene, Jessica, Ann, Barb A, Ninja and Karen.

Minutes  Motion by Lily and seconded by Barb A to approve the 

July 2022 minutes. The minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

Lily said there are 6 full plots and 2 half plots vacant.  Two new applications were received today for full plots.  The empty plots are in bad shape with tall weeds.  Lily said two University Houses abandoned gardens were recently given to new gardeners.  Megan and Lily did a walkthrough of the gardens and found many trees that need to be removed.  Some of the trees are quite large.  The trees need to be removed.  

Lily will try to order a dumpster for the unwanted bricks at the weed pile.  The gardens were offered some large stones by UW Physical Plant.  After email discussion it was agreed to not take the stones as they were very large and would be difficult to work with using human labor.  

Garden Worker Report

Megan will be having workdays soon.  The water leak at the end of the 1100’s is getting worse.  Megan will dig it tomorrow and try to fix it.  

Megan will make a kit for signs for the Share Shelf, Lost and Found and Wood Chip Forks so a gardener can make these as a workday.

Megan said the tree island at the end of the 600’s is cleaned up and is ready for picnics at the multiple tables.


We need more workdays.  Discussion ensued.  Garden lead workdays are a good idea.  It was suggested that we ask gardeners if they want to lead a workshop on a gardening topic of their choice.  Gardeners would submit their proposals to the committee for approval.  Another independent workday idea is clearing weeds along the paths.  The cart repair workday is coming soon. 

The buffer zone planting drainage way north of the 500’s needs to be cleaned up and maintained.  Megan said she thinks it will take multiple workdays to clean it up. 

Mexican Bean Beetles

Lily said we ordered the parasitic wasps as soon as Gretel detected Mexican Bean Beetle larva.  We immediately ordered the wasps and they came in two weeks.  This timing seems to be perfect because there is little bean beetle damage on the beans.  We should do it this way next year.


The arbor garden is teeming with bees and hummingbirds.

Ice Cream Social could be in September.

Motion by Barb A and seconded by Lily

Adjourned around 7:25

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee