Monday, November 18, 2024

October 2024

                                         Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

October 9, 2024  7 PM

Remote Meeting

Alex, Lily, Pam, Ric, Nick, Barb A, Ann and Karen.

Alex started the meeting.

Minutes  With a motion by Barb A and seconded by Ann, the September 2024 minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

Lily said now we have 13 half plots and 11 full plots vacant.  

Important dates for next year are: Seed Fair April 6, 2025, Seed Sort January 20, 2025.

As we previously decided, we will buy direct sow seeds like spinach, bok choi, and perhaps something else for distribution at the Seed Fair.

Fedco seems to have the best prices. Lily will send us a proposal.

Malachai from the Dining Gardens would like to revisit the discussion of sharing their ride-on-mower with the Community Gardens. He was not available this season to start the windrow composting,  but a lot of our weeds have been moved to his area.

It has been suggested that the UW Plumbers help us to install a second main line up the path.  This should be discussed at the next GOC meeting, which is the 3rd Friday from 10 to 11am.

Motion by Ann and seconded by Barb A to  get the second line plumbing project started.

Motion passed. 

The GOC has also requested that a garden representative attend the GOC meeting.

Revisions to the 2025 Garden Application

The main revision is the rule change that will not allow new gardeners to get a non-organic plot.  Present gardeners can retain their non-organic status.  At present there are 8 non-organic gardeners at University Houses.  All of these gardeners are English speakers.  Next year all gardeners using non-organic methods will have to keep records and use of non-organics will need to be reported to UW Environmental Health and Safety thru the Registrar. 

Boundary Changes to the 500’s

Proposed changes to the 500’s row were well received by the present gardeners and will be implemented sometime this fall

Weed Wackers  

New batteries are needed for the weed wackers and cost $175 each.  One of the weed wackers does not work at all and needs a couple new parts which come to about $50.  One of the problems with the batteries could be that they are plugged in all the time.  It was suggested using a timer for the charger to avoid this problem.  Also the batteries should probably be stored in the office over the winter out of the cold.

Motion by Karen and seconded by Ric to buy 4 new batteries and the new parts for up to $1000. Motion carried.

Garden Worker Report

Pam is trying to get the last workdays done. Mowing is finally slowing down.  She has been making paths through the blackberry patch at University Houses. The hoses are put away at University Houses and the water is shut off at both gardens. Nick has been doing cleanup and workdays.

The committee asked the garden workers if they were returning next season.  Pam will be back and Nick will probably be back. It was remarked that the gardens have looked especially good this year.

Barb A said the new spigot behind the Arbor Garden is especially slow.  Nick said he could exchange it for a different one. Also one of the umbrellas is broken.  Nick said we have a spare umbrella in the shed.

There is a tree on the removal list entwined with a grape in the Arbor Garden.  Barb A said it is okay to remove the tree.  Barb A requested some help in the Arbor Garden.  Pam volunteered. 

Motion by Ann and seconded by Karen that garden workers can work in the Arbor Garden.  This will be a good opportunity for Barb A to share her knowledge of the garden.

Spigot risers and posts

Ric presented a list of all the water spigots in the garden and the condition of the supporting posts.  Some are completely missing and some are too far away.  A spigot without a post is more vulnerable to damage.  Ric volunteered to make brackets to have the spigots better supported.  The committee liked the idea. Nick said there are still a couple of underground leaks which will probably not get fixed until the water is on again in the spring.

Motion by Barb A and seconded by Ric to adjourn.

Adjourned just after 7:39pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee