Wednesday, August 21, 2024

July 2024

 Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

July 10, 2024 7 PM

Remote Meeting

Alex, Jolene, Pam, Sam, Barb A, Ann,  Nick, and Karen.

Alex started the meeting.

Minutes  With a motion by Barb A and seconded by Ann, the June 2024 minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

Since Lily was not here, Alex presented her report (in italics).

We still have some openings but there also continue to be new applicants. 

At the last GOC meeting Laura Wyatt suggested we consider appointing an invasive plant person in the gardens. Ideally it would be someone with a lot of plant knowledge to walk through the gardens and look out for invasive species, especially new ones. 

-Nick thought this would be a good idea.

We also discussed the possibility of collaborating with the Dining Farm and putting fruit trees in the buffer zone/former 400s (where we once had them before). 

The proposal for the windrow composting at Eagle Heights should be ready for the next GOC meeting. If it’s approved there, I will share it with the committee for review by the garden committee. The University Houses weed pile is not looking great, and we do not have a confirmed plan for it. The constant rains have flooded the lower areas of the garden, and I don’t think that any trucks can drive in right now without getting stuck. A rearranging of the weed pile and mulch area at UH might make room for a water retention/rain garden area. The storm drains from University Houses all drain into that low area from an underground pipe.

-Pam reports that the weedpile at University Houses has now been stacked, so there is more room for weeds. 

I’d like to go ahead with the plan to change University Houses Gardens to organic-only, except existing gardeners that can continue to use non-organic practices if they renew. We’d ask those gardeners to report their pesticide/herbicide usage so that we can pass that information on to the Preserve. They track other non-organic control methods and would appreciate being informed about it. If everyone is still in agreement, I could update the application for 2025.

  • After discussion the committee agreed with the plan to transition all of University Houses to organic and to update the 2025 application accordingly.

I’d like to propose that we hold the tomato tasting again this year in early September. 

  • We should hold a tomato tasting.

Does anyone know who the birdhouses behind the Eagle Heights shed belong to? A gardener wants one, and I did not know if they were just abandoned there, are garden property, or are from the Preserve.

  •  There was discussion about making sure they had sparrow excluders, but no one knew where the birdhouses came from.

A gardener reported that she fell on the washed out road leading south past the shed at Eagle Heights. She requests that this be repaired. I plan to bring this to the next GOC meeting, since various groups use this road

  •   The committee agreed this is a topic for the GOC.

We are out of wood chips at Eagle Heights. We were able to get a new delivery to University Houses a few weeks ago, but University Apartments will not have more chips for some time. We have a small brush pile there that we could place a work order to have chipped, but gardeners would like more delivered also. I will try to see if Shorewood or UW Grounds have any when I get back. If anyone knows of a reliable source of wood chips, that would also be great. It would be good to avoid having contractors dumping without notice, since this was such a problem in the past. 

  • Ann recommends Heartwood Tree Care for chips and thought they would be careful of walnut chips if asked.

Tire tracks have been seen going around the Eagle Heights gate.  The committee thought this was also a topic for the GOC.

Mulberry Tree

After discussion, the committee would like a qualified person to check the tree for safety.  If it is safe, it could be pruned back.  We could also have mulberries in another part of the garden, perhaps near the 500’s.  Could Lily ask someone on the Preserve staff about the safety of the tree.

Garden Worker Report

Pam said the Garden Workers have all been mowing and mowing and mowing.

She also said she has run multiple productive workdays.

Jolene said the last GOC meeting was a tour of Eagle Heights and Malachai offered the use of the Dining gardens ride-on mower.  Malachai would offer training to the Garden Workers.  The Garden Workers thought it was a good idea and would save time.  The mower would be used on the main path, the perimeter and around the 500’s.  We all agreed the bigger mower would not work on the smaller paths.  The committee is comfortable with the use as described above.

Alex thanked the Garden Workers for their hard work.

New Topics

Barb A said the Arbor rain garden had standing water for three days after the last huge rain storm. Pam said she and Doug dug out the trench leading out of the 115 rain garden.  Nick having rain gardens is great.

Karen volunteered to help with cart repair now that the cart parts have arrived.

Jolene requested that a gardener attend the GOC meeting.

Motion by Karen and seconded by Barb A to adjourn.

Adjourned just after 7:35pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee   

June 2024

 Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

June 12, 2024 7 PM

Remote Meeting

Lily, Alex, Jolene, Pam, Sam, Barb A, Barb L,  Nick, Doug and Karen.

Alex started the meeting.

Minutes  With a motion by Lily and seconded by Barb L, the May 2024 minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

Lily and Malachi coordinated the weed pile move at Eagle Heights .  Shorewood moved it to the Student Farm area instead of offsite, which is good news.  In the future Malachai proposes composting in windrows, which is allowed by Wisconsin DNR.  A proposal is being prepared for approval from both the GOC and the Garden Committee.  These will be long rows on the weed pile concrete covered by tarps on top.  This way soil on the weeds will not be a problem, but part of the solution. The compost would be shared by the Community Garden and the Dining Farm.

The Student Farm purchased a Ride-on mower and says they will teach our Garden Workers how to use it.  It would only be able to be used on the larger main paths.  Jolene says the driving requirement has been removed from the job, so that could be a problem.

Lily said we now have 12 empty plots, but we do have applications coming in.  

There was a dead turkey found on one of the paths at Eagle Heights.  

Lily requests that we change plot F3 and F4S at University Houses. Plot F4S and the southern half of F3 would be combined to make a full plot (renamed F3). The Northern half of F3 would beccome a pollinator garden.  The large walnut tree near it in the Preserve makes it very difficult to grow most vegetables.  The committee agreed.

Lily reported to the Committee that the new team of Garden Workers is good to work with and they make a great team.

Garden Worker Report

Nick said that Pam, Sam and he have been mowing and cleaning up common areas.  University Houses hoses have leaks and there are leaky spigots at Eagle Heights. He is starting to plan for 2 lines up the main path at Eagle Heights.  Nick has been doing the plumbing.

Jolene said that a list of supplies is being prepared for order, including parts for carts.  

Pam said she has been having a couple of workdays a week.  There were 10 truck loads taken from the Weed Pile to the Student Farm area.  Sam said vacant plots need to be cleared.  

Wages and Positions

The wage change for longevity pay has been approved by UW Human Resources.  They want to be sure we have a system in place to review yearly.  In January the wages will need to be reviewed and sent to HR for approval.

UW HR has made a change in the Temporary Employment positions.  All TE positions will now have an end date.  Jolene will ask each year on December 31 if the employee is returning.  

Jolene said the Garden Team is doing exceptional work this year and she appreciates the team's communication.  

Other Items

Lily will be on vacation at the beginning of July.

Barb A said the Arbor rain garden is working and the water is going in the right place.  Doug said the rain garden in 115 is working well too.

Someone suggested that a narrow rain garden could be put down the 500’s row if flooding became a problem.

Motion by Barb L and seconded by Lily to adjourn.

Adjourned just after 8pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee   

May 2024

 Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

May 8, 2024 7 PM

Remote Meeting

Lily, Alex, Jolene, Ann, Pam, Ron, Sam, Barb A, Barb L, Alan, Nick, Doug and Karen.

Ann started the meeting.

Minutes  With a motion by Ron and seconded by Lily, the April 2024 minutes were approved. 

Registrar Update

The gardens were full, but few people have given up their plots.  Lily proposes changing the date for getting a full refund to match the academic calendar.  Some people are not sure if they will garden until after the semester is over.  Discussion ensued.  The committee agreed to change the full refund deadline to the third Friday in May and make the change starting this year.


Lily saw a gardener from the student gardens using our weedpile. The confusion has been cleared up at the GOC meeting and the good news is the Student Farm will take the dirt from the weedpile, which may save us some money.

It was proposed to have an additional 1 hour required weedpile work day for all gardeners with no ability to pay to not do the weedpile workday. After much discussion, it was agreed that we would announce that we are considering this option, but let’s see how things progress with the weedpile this year.  There was a suggestion about having a weedpile ambassador at the weedpile at busy times to help people understand the procedures.  The weedpile ambassador could get workday credit.  When doing every workday, all gardeners on the crew should have a short weedpile education. 

There is also a question about what a stick is.  Are brussel sprout sticks and raspberry canes sticks?  Lily will ask UW Physical Plant about this.  Is there a possibility to get woody material chipped.  Jolene says this is possible by Housing Facilities.  

The present status of the weedpile are that University Houses is mostly done and Eagle Heights probably needs a couple of more work days.


The water is on and there were only minor leaks which Nick is working on.  The main shutoff for Eagle Heights is near 816 Eagle Heights.  There is a backflow preventer at the shutoff on both Eagle Heights and University Houses. 

Excess Supplies at University Houses

After discussion there was a motion by Ann and seconded by Alan to give the green chain link fencing, the sink and shelving at University Houses to SWAP.

Budget Review

Lily requests we have a budget review subcommittee.  The last review was two years ago and we now have more garden workers.  Ann and Barb L agreed to be on the subcommittee.

Electronic Vole Deterrent

Doug agreed to write an informational piece about why they do not work and why we are banning them from the garden. He will share the draft first via email before it is sent out by Lily.

Other Items

There was a request for a hand tamper for paths in individual plots.  After discussion it was decided that a tamper was not in the best interest of the gardens.  Paths in plots are determined by the plot holder at the time and hard packed soil is not necessarily for the next plot user.

A research project for pollinators is requesting to remove some apple blossoms off our trees next year in a project concerning pollinators.  The Committee gave permission, but they will also have to get permission from the preserve.

Longevity Pay for Garden Employees

Jolene proposed giving pay increases to retain employees at the gardens.  The percent increase should be decided every year in January.  Student employees will have to be treated separately due to University rules.  Jolene proposed a 2% raise. Discussion ensued. 4% was proposed and agreed to for the only employee with longevity.  The Registrar has been with the gardens for 3 years.  Jolene said there is a salary cap for every position. 

Motion by Barb L and seconded by Ann to approve a 4% raise to the Registrar backdated for the three years.  Motion approved.

Alex will send an email to Jolene with this information to start the process.

Garden Worker Report

Pam said the University Houses weedpile is almost finished and signs are being added to tell gardeners how to proceed. University Houses has been mowed twice and Eagle Heights needs to be mowed. Nick, Pam and Sam are working things out and will start setting up workdays. 

Nick said new plot markers have been made, bright red with yellow numbers and they will be set out. The water system is being checked for leaks.

Jolene said the mowers were serviced by Housing Grounds and one of the mowers' self propulsion is broken.  Housing Grounds is checking for parts and repair costs.  Ron sent an earlier email about the use of electric mowers.  A good time to have this discussion would be when we had to replace a mower.

Garden forks seem to be in short supply.  Pam is fixing tools and said there are some forks without handles.  At the last meeting, the committee approved $800 for tolls to be bought.

Jolene said the best way to buy tools is to send her the exact thing needed from a local supplier and she will see that it is purchased.

Barb A asked to discuss the great ideas about electric mowers at a future meeting.

Motion by Barb A and seconded by Barb L to adjourn.

Adjourned just after 8pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee