Wednesday, March 13, 2019

2019 Minutes

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

November 13, 2019 7 PM

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Megan, Illana, Will, Niels, Karen, Ann, Alan and Kathryn.

Minutes Motion by Kathryn and seconded by Ann to approve the October 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

We have received six big boxes of seeds from Seedway, so we have a lot of seeds. Discussion ensued about how many seed packets to give away to each plot at the Seed Fair. It was decided that we could give 20.

There was discussion regarding the 2020 application and the rules. It was requested that the no hoses in the path be in bold type, which everyone agreed to. There has been a problem with some gardeners storing non-gardening related items in their plots. After discussion it was agreed that a new rule will be that non-garden related items will be removed from plots.

Kathryn will send an email to the gardener in question giving one week to remove the items. If the items are not removed they will be removed.

Seed Fair will be March 28.

Garden Worker Report

Will reports that Jolene said the raise for Garden Workers has been approved to $15/hour. The gardens are being closed down and the tools and carts will be put away. Will is doing the Eagle Heights shed and Kathryn will do the University Houses shed.

One problem is the two large (3’ x2’ x2’) holes above two water line leaks at Eagle Heights. The UW Plumber was called at the beginning of October to fix the leaks, but it hasn’t happened yet. The dirt from the holes is sitting in carts.

The UW Preserve folks have given us a Ford diesel tractor with a 4’ brush mower that works for mowing the perimeter of Eagle Heights and all of University Houses.

Megan reported on the equipment in the Eagle Heights shed. There are two tillers, one large and one small. Will said the large tiller belongs to FH King and we can use it. There is a mower that doesn’t work that needs to be taken to Middleton Power Center. They repaired it last year and it only ran for 15 minutes. The mower belongs in the University Houses shed. Megan said there is a large wheelbarrow with caging and tarps also.

2020 Plans

Kathryn proposed that there be no meeting in December and we plan to use the January 2020 meeting to talk about what we want to accomplish in 2020. There was general agreement with this plan. Important items to fix are deliveries of leaves, wood chips and manure to University Houses and rebuilding the Eagle Heights arbor. Discussion ensued. Could we hire UW Grounds to move leaves from the Eagle Heights pile to University Houses after the road is frozen?

Discussion continued about having an accessible service road at University Houses. There are many options: gravel, porous pavers or other? Illana will ask Kelly about a service road.

Garden Worker Manual

Illana asked Will about information for a Garden Worker Manual and he said he has all the information and will give it to her including contact lists, calendar year tasks.

Cleared area near the power lines

What are the Preserves plans about the cleared area where the MGE power line was put underground? The plans are unknown at this time.


Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

October 9, 2019 7 PM

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Megan,, Jessica, Will, Louisa, Eunhae, Karen, Barb A, Jolene, Athena and Kathryn.

Minutes Motion by Kathryn and seconded by Louisa to approve the September 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

The inspecting of plots has ended for the season. Since row cover was on sale, it has already been purchaced for the 2020 Seed Fair. We have received seed donations from Seed Savers, Baker Creek, E & R and will be getting seeds from Renee’s.

Seed Fair will be March 28.

The last day for the porta potty will be November 6th. Our financial summaries are available thanks to Jolene. Gretel and Will Z will be checking plot markers and corner poles.

Guests from UW Preventative Care

Medical students Athena, a gardener at Eagle Heights and Eunhae introduced themselves. They are part of a 10 week volunteer project focusing on Preventative Health. What would be a good project at the gardens? Discussion ensued. A person emailed Kathryn about animal scat in the gardens and was concerned about round worms. Perhaps a food safety and cooking guide would be good.

Garden Worker Report

Will reports that Eagle Heights shed now has electricity. We now have battery powered weed wackers that can be used with work crews. This means path maintanence can be easily done with work crew labor. There are three seeps in the water lines that need to be repaired. The repairs to the branch lines will be done by the UW Plumber. The water will be turned off next week at University Houses.

A concern was raised about the stockpiling of sand in the weed pile area at Eagle Heights. Teaching the gardeners weed pile rules has been difficult and having sand in the weed area is confusing.

Arbor Posts

Jolene will have someone from UW Grounds come and look at the Arbor. Barb A would like to not be involved with the Arbor reconstruction and just keep gardening at the Arbor.

Shed Cleanout

Megan cleaned the shed. She reports that there are a large number of machines in the shed that don’t get used. Barb a said the push mower is no longer needed. Discussion ensued. Megan will make an inventory of the large items in the shed.

There is a large pile of wood chips on the University Houses parking pad that needs to be moved. Jolene thinks we need a service path at University Houses. It was suggested that an empty plot at University Houses be used to stage the chips until they are used.

Adjourned 7:40pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

September 11, 2019 7 PM

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Megan, Karly, Kylar, Niels, Ric, Mark, Karen, Barb A, Jolene, Ilana and Kathryn.

Minutes Motion by Kathryn and seconded by Ric to approve the August 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update
The weed juries have given their final reports. A quarter of the plots at University Housess are weedy. It has been a difficult season because the weather was difficult. After advertising that gardeners could do their workday by clearing abandoned plots, 25 gardeners have cleared 21 plots for workday credit. With the free plot offer until the end of the season, 14 new gardeners have 13 new plots.

Presently there are 2 full plots empty at Eagle Heights. At University Houses there are 6 full plots and 4 half plots empty.

Ulrike led a workday at University Houses and much was accomplished. The plot next to the Arbor Garden was cleared by volunteer and looks wonderful. Barb A said the path next to the Arbor Garden is being cleared of quack grass too.

Garden Worker Report

Karthryn read Will’s report. He says that University Houses has been mowed now and the Eagle Heights shed now has electricity. Shorewood cleared the weed pile and there will be a workday this weekend in the 1300’s and shed. Megan said she has been working on repairing old wheelbarrows and carts. Jolene is buying a weed whacker.

Garden Worker Position

Jolene said that changing the rate of pay for garden workers is easy She will try to get it done before the end of the calendar year. She is still exploring the possibility of using the Housing grounds crew for heavy jobs. When we do advertise for the garden worker position, Kathryn will have a notice in the weekly gardener email.

Arbor Posts

Barb A still needs to contact the orginal builder.

Parasitic Wasps to control Mexican Bean Beetles

After discussion, Barb A agreed to call the UW Ex entomoligist to find a more reliable source for the wasps.

Garden Worker Manual

A garden worker manual would be a good resource for the garden workers. It was suggested that Will could just tell a group of people about the garden work and the people would just write and later compile the information into a garden worker manual, complete with maps.

Arbor Garden

Barb A would like some stepping stones for the Arbor Garden for the after she is sure the quack grass is gone along the path. After that she would like to plant no mow grass. She would like someone to volunteer to be a friend of the rain garden.

Motion by Niels/Karen to adjourn

Adjourned 7:27pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

August 14, 2019 7 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Barb L, Karen, Barb A, Jolene, Ann, Ilana and Kathryn.

Minutes Motion by Kathryn and seconded by Barb L to approve the July 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

The garden juries for July met and there are more bad plots. Twenty plots have been given up or confiscated, 34 plots have improved. There are 8 empty plots at Eagle Heights and 8 at University Houses. Kathryn will be writing a Housing newsletter article about free plots in the next issue.

Garden Worker Report

No report as no garden workers attended the meeting.

Garden Worker Position

Since Mags has resigned as Garden Worker, there is an empty position. Jolene said she has been thinking about the difficulty of filling the position in a more sustainable way. Jolene has been in her position for 3 years and we have hired 4 garden workers. Some of the ideas were to keep the Registrar’s position the same. Keep a Garden Worker that runs work groups and directs the work flow of other Garden Workers.

One of the problems is the money is not enough. The Garden Worker Position pays $13 and $15 an hour would be much better. Another idea is that current Housing employees can work dining hall shifts. This could allow the garden worker to make money in the winter.

We all agreed that Jolene will explore the options and that paying $15 was a good idea. (Kathryn abstained from this vote.) It would also be a good idea if new jobs were posted on the garden notice boards. It takes a long time to hire a new person and these ideas are for next year.

In the short term, could Megan work more hours? We need to think about filing in the gaps. Could we use workday labor to maintain the paths? Another idea is to allow experienced gardeners to run workdays. Kathryn suggests to offer the running of workdays to the people on the discussion list. Discussion ensued. It was agreed that we would contact the Preserve about how they run their volunteer program. Jolene said it should probably include a basic background check for volunteer leaders.

Problems with Signs at the CALS Research Plot

The CALS Research Plot originally posted signs only in Chinese saying not to steal the vegetables. This was cause for concern by some gardeners who suggested the signs showed bias against Chinese people. Discussions occurred between representatives of the Chinese community and CALS. The signs now include English, Korean and Chinese. (Note-This plot is not under control of Eagle Heights Gardens.)

Eagle Heights Community Garden Policy about notifications signs is to continue to support communication in multiple languages. UW has a list of the 5 most commonly spoken languages on campus.


When strangers are in plots taking vegetables that are not theirs, call the UW Police.

Help requested

An email will be sent requesting help in the Arbor Garden. Also Kathryn requests the use of a truck in exchange for workday credit. Is there someone who would be willing to organize an ice cream social and tomato tasting party?

Motion by Ann/Barb L to adjourn
Adjourned 8:10pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

July 10, 2019 7 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Barb L, Karen, Megan, Will, Jude, Ann, Ilana, Ric, Jessica, and Kathryn.

Minutes Motion by Kathryn and seconded by Ric to approve the June 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

Plot 115 has been planted with Ground Hog diakon and Austrian winter pea. The weed juries reported and 7 plots have been confiscated and 5 other plots voluntarily given up. There are 13 plots open at Eagle Heights and 6 at University Houses.

Garden Worker Report

Will reported that the gardens are in reasonably good shape with the mowing. UW Grounds is donating wall building material for the 100’s path, which will be placed near the weed pile.

Some of the trees on the east side have been killed due to girdling by animals when the snow was higher than the tree tubes. All agreed that it would be a good idea for the work crews to take the dead trees down and remove the debris.

All of the siphon valves have been replaced at University Houses and Eagles Heights.

Megan reported that she would be mowing on Monday. Will bought new wheelbarrows for University Houses and Megan put them together.

Three dozen water spigots have been ordered, but not received. As Bobby has resigned in purchasing, Jolene will take care to find out why the spigots are not here.

The entire back of University Houses is wet and difficult to mow. Will is working on the broken flail mower. Discussion ensued.

Motion by Karen and seconded by Barb L to authorize Will to take the flail mower in for repairs. Motion approved.


The farm owner reported that UW Grounds was out to see the manure pile.


There needs to be a discussion of the future of the fruit trees. Remove dead trees and evaluate what remains. What about ornamental bushes? It was agreed that the trees do make a nice boundary and a boundary is good.

Weed pile

Gardeners are requested to place the weeds on the concrete pad at Eagle Heights. At University Houses the weed pile will be cleaned up by Housing. Kathryn will again send an email to all gardeners about proper weedpile use.

Fallen Tree

There is a tree fallen on the Charter data line near the shed at Eagle Heights. Many different people have been informed, but it has not been removed yet.

Motion by Barb L/Karen to adjourn

Adjourned 7:37pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

June 12, 2019 7 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Barb L, Karen, Jolene, Megan, Will, Mags, Alan, Niels, Ann, Ilana and Kathryn.

Minutes Motion by Will and seconded by Kathryn to approve the May 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

Many things have happened. The arbor shade was repaired by Ann and Gretel. There was a new Arbor rain garden workday was led by Barb A and Jim. The extra seeds were taken to the Master Gardens by Barb A. Some of the seeds also went to Troy Gardens. The plant swap was last Sunday and went well.

There are 6 plots available at Eagle Heights and 2 plots will be taken back. There are 7 plots available at University Houses.

Garden Worker Report

Will reported that Heartland wood chips can be delivered to Eagle Heights but the path at University Houses is still too wet. There are still two more paths on the north of Eagle Heights to be done. Mowing has been difficult this year because the Preserve tractor we used in the past is not operational. Our new mower is operational and was tested in the 1200’s.

The electricity to the shed is still waiting for MGE. UW Electric is finished. The cold winter caused some trouble with the old nylon connectors. These leaking connectors need to be found and fixed. Manure- Will reported that UW Grounds still want it, but it has been very wet. He will check on it.

Arbor- Barb A has the contact name for the builder.

Discussion ensued about the delivery of supplies to University Houses. The wet and soft road problem is solved when the ground is frozen in last fall. It was agreed that we should have wood chips delivered then too. The question was asked if we could dump for a temporary time on the UW parking lot. Compost will be delivered to University Houses this Sunday by the cartload on a lift gate truck to those who signed up.

Barb L is happy about the mowing and thanks the garden workers.

Will reports that there have been problems with the outhouse with people putting sticks and dirty diapers in the toilet. This makes it very hard to pump the toilet.

Adjourned 7:37pm

Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

May 8, 2019 7 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Barb L, Karen, Jolene, Jessica, Will, Ben, Ric, Barb A, Niels, Ann, Ilana and Kathryn.

Minutes Motion by Kathryn and seconded by Barb A to approve the April 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

Kathryn said there are 24 plots left with 15 of those at University Houses.

The cool weather plant sale went well and the compost sale functioned well with the workday crew delivering the compost. We will have another compost sale at the warm weather plant sale on May 19th with the workday crew.

We still have a large number of seeds that we need to give away. Discussion ensued. Suggestions included Master Gardeners and other community gardens.

Garden Worker Report

Will reported that a wall at University Houses has been fixed but still needs to be backfilled with wood chips. The electricity work is finished in the shed and we are waiting on MGE to connect from the pole. Will is going to put up fencing to protect the grass swale area near the weed pile from dumping.

Hiring Update

Jolene said the 2 candidates that we have offered the job to have accepted and now we are waiting on Human Resources to finish their process. The new Garden Worker start dates are next week.

Time Banking

Ben introduced the idea of Time Banking at the garden. It is an exchange system based on time not money. One hour is equal to one hour. It could be used at the gardens with tasks like weeding, watering and hauling mulch. The benefits would be: strengthening community, increasing gardeners success and perhaps decreasing the number of gardens given up.

There seem to be three ways to keep track on the hours. First, an email with a coordinator, which would probably be somewhat cumbersome. Second, there is a start up platform available called Community Weaver which does have fees associated with it. Third, the existing Dane County Time Bank (DCTB) could be used. The DCTB was supportive when Ben contacted them and Ben thinks this is best.

Discussion ensued. Everyone would have to sign up themselves. It was asked if there were translation services. Needs can be posted and participation is voluntary. Ben will write up a description of the DCTB and how it would work at the garden. Kathryn will send out the information in an email. All the committee agreed to try it.

Arbor Repairs

Barb A asked which direction we were going to take. Ric earlier introduced the diamond pier system. Are the posts still sound or do we need to start over? Niels said that Roald Gunderson was the contractor that first built it. It was decided that Barb A will contact Mr. Gunderson ask his opinion. It was agreed that the eventual goal was to have an arbor where the posts are not in contact with the soil.

The shade cloth is also ripped. Karen and Ann agreed to repair the cloth if someone takes it down.


Will reported that a source of high quality horse manure was located by Ann. After visiting the site Will estimates about 100 yards of manure are available which we would share with UW Grounds. The farmer and UW Grounds are now in discussions about how and when to move it. Will hopes to have UW Grounds let us have the more aged portion of the pile. The delivery will not take place until the ground dries out, which will probably be in June.

Motion to adjourn 7:45 by Will and seconded by Karen


Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

April 10, 2019 7 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Center

Minutes from March were approved

I. Registrar's Report: Seed fair went well. Some wrong plot numbers may have been given out. Received an email from Ben regarding time banking to help gardeners help one another. All were interested in hearing more about this.

Discussion about how to appoint garden co-chairs in the future. Kathryn will bring suggestions for policies to future meetings.

II. Garden Worker's Report: Tool order was shipped. First mowing will be the second week of May. Path in the 700s is slumping but we will hopefully get another year out of it.

III. General discussion:
Lots of fences going up. Perhaps we need a real policy in place about them? Kathryn will also mention why they aren't a good idea in her email. Also seems like a lot of voles/moles/etc. A discussion of what might work for those or why there are more ensued. (See link at bottom)

Jolene reached out to two possible hires for garden workers and they both accepted. This is great news! Michaiah's last day is April 25th and all were appreciative of the work he did for the garden.

Alan spoke to people at One City about doing outreach. They are interested in a plot next year if we had someone who would be responsible for it. They are interested in field trips this year. Maybe we could do a lunch for the kids and help with transportation.

Meeting adjourned.

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

March 13, 2019 7 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Barb L, Karen, Jolene, Alan, Ann, Ilana and Kathryn.

Minutes Motion by Kathryn and seconded by Barb L to approve the February 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

Kathryn said she has renewed 383 plots and we have 71 new gardeners. Right now we have no waiting list. New applications are coming in all the time and we have around 100 plots left.

Will Z checked for missing plot markers and found only a couple missing. He also reports he did not see voles.

The Seed Fair will be March 30. The Sweet Potato Project will have an informational table. We have 33 volunteers and Kathryn will ask Will about cutting the row cover. Orientations will happen at Eagle Heights and University House the weekend of the Seed Fair. Ric, Ulrike and Mr Lui will join Kathryn doing orientations.

Kathryn asked Jolene about who in Housing puts up the Eagle Heights parking signs and Jolene will find out.

SEED FAIR will be March 30.

Garden Worker Report

Ilana says that according to Will the electricity is being finished to the shed. The flail mower has not yet been ordered because the tractor is buried by carts. When the carts come out, then the flail mower will be ordered.

Will reported that we may be about to get manure from a local stable.

Treasurer’s Report

Barb L said there were some problems with the garden deposits being credited to the proper account, but the problem seems solved now.

Discussion of Spending Money

Ann said an upgrade of the website is necessary for security purposes. There have been multiple hacking attempts recently. Discussion ensued.

Motion by Barb L, seconded by Kathryn to authorize Ann to spend up to $400 to upgrade the website. Motion approved.

Discussion ensued about what to spend money on.

-Concrete weed pad at University Houses

-What about having a social activity involving free food at the Plant Exchange in early June?

-Jolene said perhaps we could pay speakers to hold winter talks of interest to gardeners.

-Alan asked if a school could have a garden plot. Kathryn said yes school groups have had plots in the past. Alan said it would help if there was some support. Discussion about how to make a plot work with young children occurred. One of the difficulties of a school plot is maintenance and care. A good way to get young children interested is let them pick and eat from the garden.

-What if there was a guided garden tour. Gardeners would be in their plots available to talk to people on a walking tour.

-Manure- Pay UW Grounds to use a truck and front end loader to haul manure. We need a clean source of horse manure that is aged.


Ann had to remove the facebook link on the website because of an update. We need to get access to the facebook account.


Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

February 13, 2019 7 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Center
7:00 Present: Taylor, Ric, Will, Barb A, Karen, Kathryn and Jessica.

Minutes Motion by Will and seconded by Barb A to approve the January 2019 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

Kathryn said she has renewed 300 plots and has 40 new applicants. The row cover has arrived.

The seed repackaging was finished a few weeks ago and the seeds are sorted too. We have a lot of seeds.

A flat of plants has been ordered from the Arboretum for the rain garden for planting at the appropriate time.

SEED FAIR will be March 30.

Garden Worker Report

Probably in March when the snow melts and it is warmer, the tools and carts will be put out. It is a good time to stockpile mulch, but not spread it on the frozen ground.

Will still needs to get the UW Grounds people to look at the Arbor poles. Ric will resend the pole idea to Will.

Will reported that the electric pole for the shed is in progress. Kathryn has facilitated the Purchase Order. It would be great if we had it by April so we could sharpen the tools.

Garden Worker Position

Jessica reports that we can hire two garden worker candidate out of this pool if necessary.

Discussion of Spending Money

There should be a sheet up for gardeners to write their opinions about what the gardens need.

Discussion ensued about what to spend money on.

-Concrete weed pad at University Houses

-A flail mowing attachment that also grind the weeds as the paths are mowed. This attachment does not exhaust the debris and the small one could be used in plots and not affect the neighboring plot.

-Replace the cables on the 2 wheel tractor

-Order more parsnip predators

-Manure- Pay UW Grounds to use a truck and front end loader to haul manure. We need a clean source of horse manure that is aged.

-Rain garden plants- Barb A thinks we are probably good with the rain garden plants as we can have up to 52 plants with the grant from Dane County. On March 11 we will find out how many plants have been donated.

Motion by Karen and seconded by Barb A to approve $1800 for a flail mower attachment and repair the cables on the 2 wheel tractor at Middleton Power Center. Approved


Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

January 9, 2019 7 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Center

7:00 Present: Illana, Ann, Niels, Alan, Ric, Jolene, Barb A, Barb L, Karen, Kathryn and Jessica.

Minutes Motion by Kathryn and seconded by Ric to approve the November 2018 minutes. The minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

Kathryn said she has renewed 131 plots and has 16 new applicants. Many gardeners from the 500 and 600”s are choosing to move to new plots up the hill, probably due to the flooding problems last year.

We received a large box of seeds from Berlin seeds. Kathryn ordered 2 rolls of row cover. Gardens to Be has responded positively to Kathryn’s email about plant sales this year.

April 21 Cool crops and May 19 Warm crops were proposed as dates, but April 21 is Easter…

Kathryn will consult with Gardens to Be again.

Seed repackaging will be January 21 at 9am. SEED FAIR will be March 30.

Kathryn reports that Eagle Heights shed was cleaned and a few carts and tools were left out, but they seem to have disappeared. She hopes not. Discussion ensued.

Treasurer’s report

Barb L said she will have a report for the next meeting.

Garden Worker Report

Jolene reports that the request for a temporary position for training and consulting has been approved. The permanent garden worker replacement listing has been posted and will be open until January 21. If necessary, we will be able to hire 2 workers from this listing. Jolene said it is important for us to spread the word about the opening. She will send out the electronic form of the description tomorrow.

Arbor Garden

Kathryn said plans for the former marsh at Plot 606a to be transformed into a rain garden are coming along. Barb A will apply for rain garden plants from the County. Barb A said she would like the model to be that everybody helping in the Arbor takes a section and is responsible for the upkeep. Barb A will be happy to help plant the new sections, but she needs help. Kathryn said a commitment of 1 hour a week would be right. Another section needing a volunteer is the Daylilies by the shed. Kathryn will try to find volunteers for these areas.

Plot 115

Kathryn proposed that we try to get plot 115 in good shape so it could be a plot again. She proposes planting forage Diakon to break up the clay. After discussion all thought it was a good idea.


Ann bought a security system for the website after multiple hacking attempts. It is working. She said that the minutes and the Registrar’s comments are not visible on the front page. Ann requests garden photos for the front page. There was a suggestion that we have a little more information on the front page, like the co-chairs’ names. The co-chairs agreed. Jolene reports that we may be able to request a Domain name from DoIT.

Third garden worker We will write a third position description for Will, and a new garden worker will be hired in Will’s previous position. **Can Jolene contact Michiah to see if he’ll be coming back?**


Approved: Dollar amounts are not to exceed.

Electric pole-$2000

Water protection-$4000

Arbor Poles repair

In discussion:


There should be manure available for both gardens. The oldest and best composted manure should go to University Houses. The goal should be multiple loads. We offer to pay for transport from UW Grounds.

Flail mower attachment Middleton power would be the people to get it from – approx. $1500.


We should ask the gardeners what they need for the gardens. What about a survey? A large piece of paper could be put up at the Seed Fair for people to make suggestions about what would make the garden better while they are waiting in line.


More upkeep of the common areas was suggested.


The very large vole problem was discussed. Perhaps there could be a rock pile for a weasel home created near the weed pile. It was suggested that clear cutting at the end of the season helps the hawks catch voles in winter.


Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee