Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Committee Minutes for 2015

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes
January 14, 2015
Eagle Heights Community Center

Good food and conversation with Angus,  Jenn, Eleanor, Niels, Stephanie, Andrea, Sandra, Diana, Will, Malcolm, Adam, Ann, Gretel, Karen and Melita.

Diana welcomed everyone.


Motion by Ann and seconded
 Jenn to approve the minutes of the December 2014 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Registrar’s report

Gretel reports that the applications are coming in at a fast pace, over 200 already. Some of the reason for this maybe the fate of the Hill Farms garden near the Department of Transportation. These gardeners could be moving over.

Tomorrow there will be an email change over to Office 365 so Gretel’s email will not be working for a while.
Gretel passed out a copy of the annual report and asked for corrections and additions. She will be sharing it with the GOC on Friday. 

Yesterday there was a seed repackaging that went well. Nine people work for 3 hours and finished the majority of seeds we need to repackage for this year. We have lots of peas and tomatoes this year and the seeds are better organized because of the new closet.

The seed sort will be February 24th at 6:30pm, if Gretel can get a room.

Opening day is March 28th and Gretel will present the script at the next meeting for additions and corrections. Orientations will be at 10am on March 28th at Eagle Heights and University Houses. Weekday orientations will be at 5:15 at Eagle Heights on April 1st (Wednesday) and April 7th (Tuesday). On Seed Fair day, April 11, there will be orientations at noon at both gardens. There will also be two orientations in Mandarin at a time to be determined. 

Seed Fair will be April 11. Sandra and Adam will do the workshop. 
We will sell row cover at the seed fair.
Plots need to be marked before opening day. Volunteers are needed. 

We will sell row cover and store it in Ann’s basement until the Seed Fair.

Field Staff Report

Will asked if we were going to buy tools. Jenn and Adam read the list of tolls that was proposed on the email discussion. Discussion ensued.
Motion by Karen and seconded by Ann to approve the purchase of the tools on the list and the row cover. The cost will be $2348 plus shipping. Passed unanimously.

Tool list

snath (sythe handle) 1 $105 $105

bush blade 1 $75 $75

rogue field chopping hoes 40F 5 $30 $150

rogue field chopping hoes 55F 5 $30 $150

rogue field chopping hoes 70F 5 $30 $150

4” skuffle 40s hoe 4 $29 $116

4045 hula 5” 4 $39 $156

54530 shw 4 tine cultivator 2 $35 $70

53862 shw compost fork 2 $44 $88

a10 dewit pointed spade 2 $69 $138

a40 transplant shovel* 2 $79 $158

edging shovel 2 $80 $160

12” two pack broad fork 1 $340 $340

fruit sprayer 1 $260 $260

pg242 digging fork 10 $39 $390,64944&ap=1

total $2348 (plus shipping) Total does not include the cost of the row cover. 
Will will order the row cover and tools.

Treasurer’s Report

Angus reported that we are on budget. The garden worker hours are consistent with last year. There are 300 fewer garden worker hours than last year. Gretel’s hours are budgeted a little high because she may not be in the job forever, Cash on hand is about $1000 less than last year. Angus does not have the total for no workday fees yet. Gretel will get the total after the February 15th deadline. There are five different charges totaling about $300 that are being discussed with Housing.

Field Staff Hiring

Jenn reported that the position description has been approved by Human Resources. Gretel will distribute the description to Botany, CALS and to last years email list. Diana wil put it on the Facebook page. There will be a two week advertising period. About February 1st will be the deadline.

Demographic Survey

Discussion ensued. The survey will be online and at the seed fair with Ipads. Ann said it will be hard to get only one response per plot. Gretel said we probably can’t worry about it. Jenn said we should have the survey ready to the discussion list on the Friday before the February meeting.

Looking Ahead

This list is from the November meeting with things finished removed..


December 2014- new garden worker

Discuss the demographic survey

Plot marking

January 2015- set plant sale dates

Discuss food pantry issues (bins disappearing and unreliable pickups)

February 2015- seed sort

April 11, 2015- Seed Fair

May 2015- rodent solutions

Cleaning the common areas

Chopping off comfrey tops is good for controlling it in paths


Eagle Heights specific issues

November 2014- New cart area needs to be mowed and planting daylilies along path (later)

December 2014- Map update

February 2015- replacement for grapes at arbor

May 2015- Blueberry row

University Houses specific issues

December 2014- Weed pile has not been moved- GOC says we can use the old ice rink Contact Shorewood. Landscaping will be needed and the contractor will pay for some of the project.

Map update (small changes)

Sink installation Adam said we need a welder. Ulrike asked if a sink was a good idea.

February 2015- need new kiosk

2015 Calendar

Applications DUE- February 15, 2015

Opening day- March 28

Seed Fair- April 11

Adjourned by7:38pm by Jenn.

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

February 11, 2015

Eagle Heights Community Center

Good food and conversation with Gretel, Jenn, Melita, Sandra, Malcolm, Tianxing, Mark, Ric, Will, Adam, Ulrike, and Ann
Jenn welcomed everyone. 

Motion by Gretel and seconded Adam to approve the minutes of the January 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Registrar’s report
Gretel reports that the applications are due Sunday – about on target with 433 already in. There are lots of new gardeners applying. There are also some last minute gardeners re-applying that are missing their 2014 work day requirement. Looks like there will be enough plots for everyone.

The seed sort, beginning with a pot luck, has been RESCHEDULED to Monday February 23th at 6:00 – 8:00pm. This was the only time a room was open. This year we’ll focus on keeping seeds separated by age as well as type.

Orientation: Gretel passed out the revised script: spring tilling was removed and a demonstration of tool during the seed fair workshop was added. More volunteers are needed for orientation. Gretel estimates about a third of the gardeners will be new to the gardens.

On Sunday, March 22 at noon we will check plot markers at Eagle Heights. We will need volunteers for this work.

Opening Day March 28.
Seed Fair will be April 11. We need Mandarin interpreters for orientation.

First garden email will go out 3/10-3/15 with the Survey attached.

The Dane County Community Gardens (UW Extension) conference for garden leaders will be held on February 28.

Treasurer’s Report -Gretel reported for Angus. Budget right about on target: We spent about $2500 on tools and row cover. There is a new finance coordinator at Housing.

Co-chair report- The cool weather plant sale will be on 4/19 and the warm weather sale on 5/17. The preliminary plant list is coming in about 2 weeks. Ulrike suggested having a whiteboard for plants – then we can cross off plants as they sell out. The Gardens have an easel and paper that we can use.

Discussion ensued over location and use of more fruit bushes, project priorities 
and over University Houses weed pile problems.

Field Staff Report 

The tools were ordered, have arrived, and are in the shed.

2000’ of row cover has been ordered and should arrive about 2/20. We need volunteers to cut it up right before the seed fair – too bulky to store otherwise. (Will and Louisa have volunteered their time for this for the last 6 years… thanks!)
Lake Shore Preserve is offering $1000 research project scholarships. Will would like the gardens to apply for one for a cutting box to be placed near the shed or near the FH King shed. A power source is needed for misting irrigation. A cutting box would be used to produce more fruit bushes. 

A large sink has been found and is ready for University Houses as soon as ground will permit truck delivery. The other sinks will be removed at the same time.

Field Staff Hiring
The position listing runs through 2/13. Human Resources first screens the applicants, then passes to committee co-chairs. Diane and Jenn will report back when applications arrive.

Demographic Survey
Several tried the draft survey. Some had difficulty deciding how to answer “How many in your family/household will eat from your garden”. Please use your best judgment.

We are adding a question about donating to food pantry.

The discuss about food pantry issues (bins disappearing and unreliable pickups) will be saved for March meeting.
Sandra is offering pop-up gardening education lessons at the gardens:

plot prep at Eagle Heights and University Houses garden

good bug / bad bug

planting for fall harvest

Adding tool usage was suggested. Dates will be added to the seed fair flyer.

2015 Calendar
Applications DUE- February 15, 2015
February 23 Seed sort

March 10-15 First garden email – including link to survey

March 22 check garden plot markers

Opening day- March 28
Seed Fair- April 11

April 19 Cool weather plant sale

May 17 Warm weather plant sale
Adjourned 8:02 pm by Jenn. 
Submitted by Ann
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes
March 11, 2015, 6:30 PM
Eagle Heights Community Center

6:30 – Delicious Food and great conversation by Jenn, Sandra, Diana, Will, Malcolm, Gretel, Karen, Ulrike, Alice, Ric, Angus, Tianxing, Niels and Melita.
Jenn welcomed everyone.

Minutes - Motion by Ulrike and seconded by Gretel to approve the minutes of the February 2014 meeting with the correction that the Seed Fair workshop will include tool usage. Passed unanimously.

Registrar’s report
Gretel reports that the applications are still coming in and we have 528 gardeners in plots. She am trying to get gardeners into their old plots. We still have some plots left. The Sheboygan Garden will be closing sometime this summer.

Volunteers are needed for Orientation and plot remarking on March 22. Jenn and Niels volunteered for plot marking. Row cover needs to be cut before the Seed Fair, April 11. Gretel will try to get a Korean translator for the Seed Fair.

Gretel will try to send the first email to all gardeners next week. Cool weather plant sales will be on April 17 and warm weather plants on May 19 .

Will said he contacted the potato research people to see if they have any new potatoes. Good timing for the potatoes would be at the cool weather plant sale.

Treasurer’s Report

Angus said we are on budget, but down some revenue. He thinks more people might have worked their workday and not paid the fee. Housing made a $1000 mistake that is being corrected.

Co-chair update

Jenn reported that there are three final candidates for the field staff position. There were telephone interviews with 15 candidates. Final interviews will be next Wednesday from 7 to 8pm. All questions have been vetted by Human Resources and interviewers are not allowed to go off script. Gretel, Ann and Karen said they would attend.

Field Staff Report

Will reported on the weed pile at University Houses. Shorewood wants a cold spell so they can get their equipment to the site. Shorewood said there tis too much soil remaining on the weeds in the weed pile. Melita said it was too late for this season, but we should say this information should be in the application. Will said he has had three conversations about the weed pile with Shorewood. We need to have something done be the 3rd week of March. Gretel said maybe it will be dry enough to do the work.

Diana brought up the topic of water hose reels. Will described a hose reel that is 18 inches high and rotates. It is in the mid price range He proposes 12 evenly spaced hose reels and the last 3 faucets will not have reels because they serve only a few gardeners. The first stations by the shed serve many gardeners. There are stations that will require 100 feet of hose and some that only need 50 feet. Ulrike said she liked the idea but wanted to know if they were fixable. Will said that everything that moved is stainless steel. He is impressed by the quality. The reel removes for storage. Karen suggested we padlock the reel to the post for the season. Discussion ensued about the number of hose reels needed. Malcolm asked if we would get new hoses? Ulrike asked if we would be able to reel 100’ of hose. Karen asked if there was a garden nearby where we could try them. Will said he would ask the builder. Gretel said maybe we could do hoses next year.

Will asked if he could have a budget. The committee said they could have an email discussion. Jenn thought the ballpark number for the reels was about $4000. Here are the steps to the project.

1. Will said that UW Staff has a small powered auger that they will use to drill the posts.

2. Then we could use workday labor to set the posts for reels in concrete.

3. Install the reels (The water stays on during these steps.)

4. New risers for the faucets. This is difficult because if is the only line. The risers will take longer than the 100’s line, which was Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The new risers could be done in phases because the water must be off.

Melita asked when University Houses will be opening. Gretel said it will open in July.

Will gave a recap of the hose proposal. He will try to find a local example. He will asked the builder about the cost for 8 reels. Sandra asked if there are any moving parts and if any were installed in community gardens. We agreed that we were running out of time and can discuss it at the next meeting and finalize the budget.

Jenn asked if the fruit mister cold frame would speed up the process of creating stock? Will said he wrote a grant proposal for $300 for a battery powered cutting box to be placed in the CALS buffer. Karen asked what the plan was for this material? Will said we have no more room for trees. The cutting box would be for small fruit. He said we have a 16’ by 250’ at University Houses that could be planted. At Eagle Heights we could continue the blueberry line to the weedpile. The CALS buffer has already been approved for small fruit and the nursery could be there. No fruit would be going in during the next several years.

Jenn asked what our monthly maintenance commitment is? Will said we spend half of our volunteer labor on fruit. Ulrike said that the weedpile and paths are a priority for her. It would be wonderful to have a schedule for maintenance of paths, the weedpille and other things we have daily issues with. The berries for her are extraneous, it is an enhancement. If we are spending half the time on berries and fruit that is a lot.

Will said when he looks at the gardens, he sees permaculture.

Karen suggested a spring clean-up at both gardens with workday labor. She also asked about the path in the 1300’s. Will said that path was chipped as a test. Jenn said there was time to talk about this in April. Someone asked if we could get compost? Gretel said it was too wet last year. Will asked if he could get more horse manure? Yes!

Calendar 2015

Seed Fair- April 11
Cool weather plant sale- April 17
Warm weather plant sale- May 19

Adjourned by 8:05pm by Jenn.

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Looking Ahead (This was from November 2014)


December 2014- new garden worker
Discuss the demographic survey
Plot marking

January 2015- set plant sale dates
Discuss food pantry issues (bins disappearing and unreliable pickups)

February 2015- seed sort

April 11, 2015- Seed Fair

May 2015- rodent solutions

Cleaning the common areas
Chopping off comfrey tops is good for controlling it in paths 

Eagle Heights specific issues

November 2014- New cart area needs to be mowed and planting daylilies along path (later)

December 2014- Map update

February 2015- replacement for grapes at arbor

May 2015- Blueberry row

University Houses specific issues

December 2014- Weed pile has not been moved- GOC says we can use the old ice rink Contact Shorewood. Landscaping will be needed and the contractor will pay for some of the project.

Map update (small changes)

Sink installation Adam said we need a welder. Ulrike asked if a sink was a good idea.

February 2015- need new kiosk

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

April 8, 2015, 6:30 PM

Eagle Heights Community Center

6:30 – Delicious Food and great conversation by Jenn, Diana, Will, Gretel, Karen, Ann, Mark, Andrew, David, Jim, Bill, Adam, Eleanor and Melita.

Jenn welcomed everyone.

Minutes Motion by Gretel and seconded by Jenn to approve the minutes of the March 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Co-chair report

Diana introduced Dave, jour new garden worker.

Registrar’s report

Gretel said that it is an unusual year for people applying late. There are a few plots open. One large organic plot near the weedpile at University Houses will not be assigned until the weedpile issue has been solved. Seven large plots at University Houses and 9 large plots at Eagle Heights are available.

Next week the porta potty will be delivered. The price is up from last year, from $180 to $220 a month for two units. Gretel will turn in a work order to turn on the water, but the plumber will not turn it on until it is warmer. There have been 129 responses to the survey so far.

We need a whiteboard for the plant sale, which will cost about $40. The committee thought this was a good idea. Melita, Jenn and Ulrike volunteered to work at the cool weather plant sale. Sandra will do a soil preparation workshop during the plant sale. Will said we will probably not be able to sell compost at the sale because it will be too wet.

Gretel said that the seed fair has already been advertised for 9am, which is a half hour earlier than usual. Some committee members will come at 7:30 to prepare for the seed fair early. The workshop needs to start at 10am and Adam agreed. Ann asked if we have a separate time for residents? Gretel said no.

Gretel said Sandra has offered to do several workshops and passed out a handout explaining them.

Field Staff Report

Will said workdays will start on April 18 with mostly tidying things up at both gardens. Gretel asked about a tool rack on the back (north side) of the Eagle Heights shed. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that this is a good idea. Gretel said we will plant daylilies and iris north of the shed to protect the 100’s path. Sandra will use the planting area for the soil preparation workshop. Will said he would put up a temporary fence to protect the new plantings. Will said fishermen are already digging for worms in the area. Will said that all the new tools are out of the boxes and two gardeners are going to paint them this weekend.

Jenn, Diana, Gretel and Will decided to buy one of the hose reels that we discussed at the last meeting so we could decide if we liked it. Will and Adam gave us a hose reel demonstration. The support pipe will be sunk 18” into the ground with concrete. Pallet shipping would be cheaper. Will will find out if it is possible. The reel is $290 each plus shipping. Karen asked if it would be possible to have the pipe risers come at the junctions of the north-south paths? Will said yes. Diana asked if the maker would give us a discount for multiple units. Will said he already gave us a very good price for the sample.

It was decided that there would be hose reels from C1 to C11 and one on the end at C21 for a total of eight reels. We would need three bags of concrete per reel and four pier tubes. The reels would be $350 times 8= $2800 with shipping. Discussion ensued about the 6 water stations without reels. These stations only serve a few gardens and the committee decided reels were not necessary. Karen said that she would like new hose holders at these stations, C13-C19. Perhaps we could use tire rims. Will said we could upgrade the whole line in one year. Ann asked if we could rent an auger to dig the holes. Will said augers were not safe to rent and hard to use. The University will do the augering. We don’t need to turn off the water to upgrade the hose supports. Jim asked if we could use a post hole digger. Will said a 12” auger is a bigger and better support for the hose reels. Will will come up with a plan for the 6 stations without reels. All holes could be augered at once.

Motion by Karen, seconded by Adam to approve buying 8 reels, six posts for stations without reels and concrete and tubes for posts for $3500. Passed unanimously.

Will said the weed pile at University Houses is too wet to be moved. The leaf pile is in standing water. Will will ask Evan if we can use the parking lot at University Houses for leaves. Will said that water is flowing from parking lot into our new weed pile location. Will said we need to have Rhonda, the Landscape Architect look at the problem. We probably also need to take it to the GOC. Gretel said we need a temporary solution. She said she did not assign the plots next to the weedpile.

Gretel reported that Evan said there will be no new residents of University Houses until October. Evan will also remove the old sink at University Houses and bring a new sink.

Diana said that Ulrike requested a garbage can at the shed at University Houses. Roma is also tired of picking up garbage. Adam said a garbage can at the shed is extra work for the garden worker. Will agreed.

Jenn reminded us that we were to talk about rodent solutions. Gretel said she thought it was a hard winter for the rodents. There will be workdays to clean up the common areas. We need to decide in May about replacing the grapes at the arbor. Gretel said the grapes and hops were pulled out due to disease. We need something viney. Will suggested kiwi or ivy. Gretel suggested clematis. Ann said rabbits like clematis.

Will said we have 50’ of row ready for blueberries. A gardener is growing the blueberries for us. Jenn reported that a gardener will make a new kiosk for University Houses for workday credit. Will said we have the wood from old kiosks to use for material. Gretel said we need to buy a blackboard.

Will said we have the steel in the shed to build a rail along the grate path at the Eagle Heights weedpile. Gretel said she needs the handicapped parking space cleared.

Calendar 2015

Warm weather plant sale- May 19

Adjourned by 7:58pm by Jenn.

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Looking Ahead (This was from November 2014)


January 2015-

Discuss food pantry issues (bins disappearing and unreliable pickups)

May 2015- rodent solutions

Cleaning the common areas

Chopping off comfrey tops is good for controlling it in paths


Eagle Heights specific issues

November 2014- New cart area needs to be mowed and planting daylilies along path (later)

February 2015- replacement for grapes at arbor

May 2015- Blueberry row

University Houses specific issues

December 2014- Weed pile has not been moved- GOC says we can use the old ice rink Contact Shorewood. Landscaping will be needed and the contractor will pay for some of the project.

Sink installation Adam said we need a welder. Ulrike asked if a sink was a good idea.

February 2015- need new kiosk

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes
May 13, 2015, 6:30 PM
Eagle Heights Community Center

6:30 – Delicious Food and great conversation by Jennifer, Alison, Niels, Barb, Jenn, Will, Gretel, Karen, Ann, Mark, Dave, Rita, Jeff, Malcolm, Sandra, Angus, Tianxing, Adam and Eleanor.

Jenn welcomed everyone and since there were new people present we all introduced ourselves.


Motion by Sandra and seconded by Jenn to approve the minutes of the April 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Registrar’s report

Gretel said that there are still some open plots. Two large organic plots (A5 and B1) near the weedpile at University Houses will not be assigned until the weedpile issue has been solved. Four large plots at University Houses (2 are spoken for) and 6 large plots at Eagle Heights are available.

Dave and Gretel will do a walk thru on Sunday to check to see if gardeners have started gardening yet. Gretel will send out emails to see if the people who have not started yet are still interested in gardening.

The garden juries will start later, probably at the end of May. Gretel presented the instructions for juries for review by the committee. Karen suggested that the jury also comment on the conditions of the common areas. The committee agreed. Jennifer asked what a jury is. Gretel explained that we send a couple of volunteer gardeners to check all the plots for excessive weeds and to try to find abandoned plots. If we can identify abandoned plots we can turn them over to new gardeners. Gretel also asked for corrections and suggestions for the procedures on garden rule violations. There were no changes.

Alison and Jennifer will be coordinating the St Vincent de Paul food pickups together this year. The bins will be picked up at 8am on Wednesday and 10am on Saturday starting in June and going thru the 3rd week of September. Alison said that most pickup slots are filled, but there are a few slots open. Gretel will send another email to get volunteers to fill the slots. Some of the bins disappeared last year, so we will need new bins. There was discussion about perhaps locking the bins to keep them from disappearing.

Treasurer’s report

Angus said we are on budget. The garden is completely self funded. All the income is from plot fees. Expenses include payroll, supplies tools and portapotty rent. Every year there is a very similar pattern of expenses. Gretel said we sold out of row cover and broke even financially.

Field Staff Report

Will said that mowing has started. Jenn asked about the broadfork checkout procedure. Dave said that people are interested and we need a way to check it out. Adam said he is usually at University Houses from 4 to 5pm everyday and he could help. Karen suggested that we have the borrower lock up the broadfork after they are done with a lock and chain outside the sheds.

Jenn said that compost is not available this year. Mark asked how much compost we got last year. Will said 15 to 30 yards. Last year’s compost was problematic and wet. We also got 3 loads of manure from Hoofers. Will said we can probably get more manure. Gretel suggested we try ordering compost in advance. We might also be able to get lake weed in August.

Jenn asked if the hose reel we bought has been installed yet. Will said he did not want to install it yet until he was sure that it had been paid for. There was some discussion about when the bill would be paid.

Gretel said that the GOC wants the lumber in the pines moved. Will said last year UW took down a building and we got the lumber. We intended to use it to shore up the path in the 100’s , but the work did not get done last year. The work on the 100’s path cannot be done until fall because it is too disruptive to gardeners. Discussion ensued. The 700’s path is eroded past the tree island along our border with FH King. We could use it there for a retaining wall about 3 boards high. Gretel said we would have to talk to FH King and the GOC. Gretel said the wood needs to be moved. Will said we should talk to Laura about it. Gretel said the GOC will do a walk thru in August at Eagle Heights. Will said that Rhonda will have to approve the wall on the 700’s path.

Motion by Adam and seconded by Karen to build a retaining wall along the 700”s path with the wood. Passed unanimously.

Jenn asked if there would be any seed potatoes this year. Will said they were not available.

The arbor at Eagle Heights needs shade. The grapes have died. Niels suggested that we buy some shade cloth and put it up until replacement vines can grow. Niels found some shade cloth that is charcoal gray with grommets and is about 5’ x12’ and costs about $25. The committee agreed he should buy two shade cloths, and hardware to put it up for a total of $75.

The arbor garden responsibility is divided between Niels, Barb Sandra and Cathie. It is very large. Niels is controlling the thistles and the rest is divided between the gardeners. Will and Adam hooked up a drip line for watering, but watering is still a problem. Barb is going to put in some drought resistant plantsmand plants from her home garden that is getting too shady. Barb says there are big areas where nothing is happening. She suggests Nanking cherries. Gretel said there are hazelnuts. Some aggresive cup plants have been partially removed during a workday.

What are we going to grow on the arbor? Niels said the Allen Centennial Garden has some good arbor plants. Adam suggested kiwi. Karen said she had a hardy, vigorous clematis she could donate. There was a suggestion of a climbing rose that was rejected on the grounds that it is attractive to Japanese Beetles. The Japanese Beetle infestation helped kill the grapes. Gretel suggested that we let Barb, Niels and Sandra experiment with the arbor and the committee agreed.

Jenn reported that the University Houses weedpile has been consolidated.

Jenn passed out a summary of the workday of 2014. Will compiled the data for his calendar and Jenn tabulated the data. It is for discussion at the next meeting because Jenn said we were out of time.

Calendar 2015

Warm weather plant sale- May 19

Adjourned by 8:00pm by Jenn.

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Looking Ahead (This was from November 2014)

May 2015- rodent solutions

Cleaning the common areas

Chopping off comfrey tops is good for controlling it in paths


Eagle Heights specific issues
November 2014- New cart area needs to be mowed and planting daylilies along path (later)
May 2015- Blueberry row

University Houses specific issues

December 2014-

Sink installation Adam said we need a welder.
February 2015- need new kiosk

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes
June 10, 2015, 6:30 PM
Eagle Heights Community Garden

6:30 – Delicious Food and great conversation by Barb, Will, Gretel, Karen, Ann, Diana, Melita, Dave, Rita, Jeff and Tianxing.

Diana welcomed everyone.

Motion by Ann and seconded by Barb to approve the minutes of the May 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Registrar’s report

Gretel said that all plots are assigned at Eagle Heights and there are still seven open plots at University Houses. The open plots at University Houses are clustered in the non-organic section.

From information from the applications, there are fewer residents gardening this year. This is probably due to the University Houses renovation. From the survey, there are 2,2 gardeners per plot. 67% plan to donate to the food pantry, 98% grow vegetables, 74% grow herbs and 57% grow flowers. Tomatoes are the favorite vegetable of 77% of the gardeners. The age group from 18-22 makes up only 3% of the gardeners. We also have more Hispanic names this year. 8% of the gardeners speak Spanish and 11% speak Chinese. 18% are completely new to gardening. Rita asked if the survey was only in English and Gretel said yes. Gretel said she got 7 Mandarin applications. Usually the primary gardener is an English speaker.

The Garden Organizing Committee (GOC), our oversight body, will make a site visit to University Houses on July 17 and visit Eagle Heights on August 16.

There will be a tour on June 27 by the Master Gardeners and Gretel might need some help if there are more than 15 people.

Gretel went on a tour with the Campus police officer to both garden sites. She told him about our thefts and he was also interested in where people are camping and/or drinking in the Preserve. Melita said that cars are driving thru the Preserve.

The first jury is done at Eagle Heights and Will will ask Adam if he would do one at University Houses with Diana.

There was discussion about the 7 unassigned plots at University Houses. Will said he would mow them and suggested we grow squash as a weed control measure. The pumpkins could be donated to the food pantry. Diana said that there were no leaves at University Houses. Will said he would ask about getting leaves. Diana said that B3 has wonderful strawberries and is unassigned. She will pick the strawberries and donate them to the food pantry.

Field Staff Report

Will said that the trial hose reel has been installed at University Houses. Adam has tried it and likes it. Diana will use it tomorrow. Gretel will ask Sandra what she thinks of it.

Will said the next project is the retaining wall along our 700’s border path with FH King. Rhonda, the Landscape Architect, will check out the plan. Physical plant will mow the raspberries. The retaining wall system will be planks and wood chips and will take two weekend workdays. Gretel will email for setting up the workdays.

Discussion ensued about the University Houses hose reel project. We need to decide whether to buy more reels. When the project is in progress, the water will need to be off for only a half a day. Mowing continues on the paths.

Gretel said there is a new tool rack on the back of the Eagle Heights shed. Gretel asked the color of the new kiosk at University Houses should be. Gretel suggested we not paint it white because the St. Vinney’s kiosk is white. Diana suggested brown and we agreed. We will also need a bulletin board. Will will ask physical plant if they have one.

Will said the weed piles need to be moved offsite. In the future, we need to move the weed piles before a snowfall in November. Karen suggested we put snow fencing around the raspberries so gardeners do not put weeds in the raspberries. Will said he thought that was a good idea. Discussion ensued about the weedpile and its management.

Diana said the pitchforks have gone missing. Will said we could get some more, perhaps 3. The purchase will be discussed in email.

Gretel said that Sandra did a pest workshop that was attended by 12 to 14 people. Discussion ensued about how to get more people to come to the meetings.

Adjourned by 7:58pm by Diana.

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Looking Ahead (This was from November 2014)


May 2015- rodent solutions

Cleaning the common areas

Chopping off comfrey tops is good for controlling it in paths


Eagle Heights specific issues

November 2014- New cart area needs to be mowed and planting daylilies along path (later)

May 2015- Blueberry row

University Houses specific issues

December 2014-

Sink installation Adam said we need a welder.

February 2015- need new kiosk

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

July 10, 2015, 6:30 PM

University Houses Community Garden

6:30 – Delicious Food and great conversation by Jenn, Barb, Will, Sandra, Malcolm, Angus, Barb L., Niels, Gretel, Karen, Ann, Melita, Dave and Tianxing.

Jenn welcomed everyone.


Motion by Gretel and seconded by Ann to approve the minutes of the June 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Registrar’s report

Gretel reports that more people are moving into University Houses and more people are inquiring about garden plots. There are 4 large plots open at University Houses. A5 and B1 are being used to grow pumpkins for the food pantry. Ulrike is taking care of them. There are 2 small plots open at Eagle Heights and one large one open.

There have been some reports of Mexican bean beetles, but Gretel has not seen them yet. In 2012 we bought parasitic wasps that feed on them. Discussion ensued.

Motion by Karen, seconded by Ann to authorize the purchase of $117 if we need to buy the wasps. Passed unanimously.

The Garden Oversight Committee (GOC) Tour of University Houses will be July 17 at 8:30 and all are welcome. The Eagle Heights tour will be August 21 at 8:30.

There have been difficulties with the Food Pantry. The bins are not being put out in a timely fashion and there have been thefts from the bins. The bins get stolen if they are not put away between pickups. Alison thought we could use a milk crate and lock it to the shelf.

Motion by Karen and seconded by Ann to buy locks and cables to lock the bins to the shelf. Passed unanimously.

Treasurers report

Angus reported that we have the money to buy the locks and we are on budget! Field staff hours are down this year. There is an issue with the hose reel. It was paid for twice, once with a check and once with the charge card and he is working on it. There are also some other accounting issues that Angus is working on. Refunds are being charged to the wrong account.

Field Staff Report

Will said that Shorewood maintains the weed piles and there have been issues with the quality of the weedpile. There is too much dirt on the weeds for Shorewood to deal with with the equipment they use. We need to solve the problem with the dirt. Shorewood is aware that we need leaves at University Houses. It has been too wet for them to use their equipment. A much larger pile of leaves is needed at University Houses.

Discussion ensued over the condition of the Eagle Heights weedpile. The site becomes waterlogged and perhaps we should move it. Niels said over the years equipment has scooped out the site. Barb said perhaps we should put it in winter rye and rotate the place. Gretel said big slabs of limestone and clay are the base of the pile. Will said he has asked Physical Plant if we can have a culvert.

Will said the new hose reel is in at University Houses and asks if we can buy the rest. Sandra asked how to avoid the kink in the hose. Will said he would fix it. Sandra said she liked the reel. Will said we would buy the rest.

Will said the retaining wall is finished in the 700’s. The wall took 2 workdays. Barb L. asked if the path would settle. Will said yes, but they would add more chips.

Karen asked if we could put a path to the middle of the pile where there is room for weeds. Dave said he made such a path and someone blocked it with a load of weeds!!!! Gretel suggested that we use every workday to clean up the weedpile for 20 minutes. Dave said they spent an hour at the pile last time. Niels said he keeps his weeds in his garden. Gretel said it is a problem to have raspberry canes in the garden. Karen asked if we could use a chipper on the canes. Will said they use a chipper on workdays. Dave asked if there was a map to tell gardeners where to put the weeds.

Barb L asked about the lack of mowing. Will said they had been using only the scythes. Barb L. said it was hard to walk on the paths and she would like to see the path better maintained. Dave said there was too much litter on the paths and that made it hard to mow everything. Karen said the population of toads had greatly increased since the paths were being scythed. Gretel asked if there was a mixture of mowing and scything that would work? Barb L asked why the hoses were communal at University Houses? Gretel said it is because they always had communal hoses and have only a simple water line. Niels said the weeds are too high. Barb said she was mowing around the arbor with a push mower. Barb L asked if we could put down wood chips? Will said when we mow with a power mower the wire grass roots go into the plots and the gardeners fight them. We need a solution to edge the paths. Will suggests that a longer term solution is to wood chip the paths. Niels asked if there were enough wood chips. Will said the university can supply enough. Gretel said she is not a fan of wood chips. Wood chips change the pH of the soil and encourages bindweed. Sandra said that path C4-C5 in University Houses has a really strong crop of bindweed. Jenn said we will discuss wood chips at the next meeting.

Adjourned by 7:59pm by Jenn.

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Looking Ahead (This was from November 2014)


May 2015- rodent solutions

Cleaning the common areas

Chopping off comfrey tops is good for controlling it in paths


Eagle Heights specific issues

May 2015- Blueberry row

University Houses specific issues

December 2014-

Sink installation Adam said we need a welder.

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes
August 12, 2015, 6:30 P.M.
Eagle Heights Community Garden

6:30 – Delicious food and great conversation by Jenn, Diana, Gretel, Adam, Melita, Dave, Barb L., Will, Barb A., Hank and Andrea.

Minutes  Gretel said the GOC is listed as the Garden Organizing Committee, but it should be the Garden Oversight Committee. Motion by Gretel and seconded by Barb to approve the amended minutes of the July 2015 meeting passed unanimously.

Registrar's Report
Gretel said she is working on a new budget and a new application form. For the application form, she would like to add a provision to keep glass out of the gardens and ask gardeners to use plexiglass or plastic instead. Melita raised the problem with people using knives in the gardens. Gretel would also like to add a provision to manage unstable structures, requiring gardeners to remove or make them safe. She will circulate a draft for the September GOC meeting for approval in October. She won’t be able to make the usual October meeting, but will be here for the November meeting.

Gretel said there is a slight raise in the budget that staff will notice in their paychecks.

Plot assignments are going well, with several plots open at both Eagle Heights and University Housing.
The Garden Oversight Committee will tour the Eagle Heights Gardens on August 21, 2015. They have already toured the University Housing Gardens.

Gretel reported that 4 gardeners have reported Mexican bean beetles, but there is only light infestation and thus we are not getting predator wasps.

There have been further thefts with the Food Pantry System. First some of the bins were stolen and then bike locks used to secure the bins were also stolen. Food was stolen from a bin within a few minutes of being placed there. Thus Gretel proposed that we limit the Food Pantry collections to Saturday when someone can sit there as donations are made and drive them straight over to St. Vincent’s. Motion to implement this new system was passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report
Gretel reported that we have $55 income from plot fees and expenses for the bike locks. Two reels have come in and more are on the way.

Field Staff Report
Adam has agreed to serve as a Co-Chair, but so far no one else has stepped up to serve as the second Co-Chair. Diana, Jenn, and Gretel strongly felt that we should try to get a second Co-Chair because the job is bigger than one person can handle. Will strongly felt that one Chair was enough. He said that historically one Chair had been effective and that lack of continuity between Co-Chairs is a problem. Discussion ensued and the committee voted whether to pursue appointing a second Co-Chair. The motion passed 3 to 2, with some members abstaining. Thus the chairs will continue to look for a second Co-Chair.

Will reported that the hose reels are coming in, with 4 on order. The vendor will give the check back for the double payment. Shorewood is taking care of the leaves and weeds. Will walked around with the hydrologist from the DNR to get advice on the drainage problem. The hydrologist suggested that there is no need for massive construction, but rather advised creating some berms to contain and direct the drainage. Will is also in contact with Laura Wyatt from the Lakeshore Nature Preserve to work on this problem.

Will reported that Lynn Hummel gave all of the cinder blocks away and thus this year will take a break from creating retaining walls that slow erosion. We have exhausted the supply of native rock in the fields and creating these walls only works if we get free materials. Will has roughly scheduled creating walls for 5 plots every year, but is okay with taking a break this year.

Finally, Will reported that people like the new hose reels and they will have the rest of them installed by the September meeting.

Adjourned by Diana.

Submitted by Barb A.
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

September 9, 2015, 6:30 P.M.

Eagle Heights Community Garden

6:30 – Delicious food and great conversation by Gretel, Ric, Karen, Sandra, Malcolm, Melita, Tom, Adam, Barb L., Dave, Ron, Cathy, Barb A., Jan, Angus, and Will.
Karen welcomed everyone.

Minutes Motion by Gretel and seconded by Angus to approve the minutes of the August 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Registrar's Report

Gretel reported that there is a short time to finish all necessary steps to get the application through the Garden Oversight Committee (GOC) so that it is ready for dissemination in December. There are 2 proposed rule changes. The first specifies that tall structures must be sturdy, unlikely to fall on neighbors' plantings, and be well within plot boundaries. The second specifies that no glass can be used in the gardens for safety reasons. There was a discussion about perimeter fences and the 6-inch boundary rule. This discussion included the actual meaning and enforcement implications of the existing rule as well as the fact that 40% of our gardeners are new and on a steep learning curve. There was a general consensus that gardeners need step up to help keep the paths clear both for the mowers and for gardeners. Karen suggested that we appoint path monitors who can patrol the paths, leave violation notes on errant hoses and other obstructions, and notify Gretel about problems. Many members liked this idea. They decided to tentatively accept the new application after more discussion about these issues. Will moved to make the rules say that the fences and plantings needed to be six inches from all sides, including the front. Dave seconded. The vote was 6 people for the change and 7 people against, so the motion didn't pass and the rule stays the same.


Gretel walked us through the 2015 budget and said we are on target to projections. She has adjusted the budget to include minimum wage increases in Madison. Gretel said that at the GOC tour, Rhonda James said that MG&E is planning to bury the power line along Lake Mendota Drive side of the garden. We will have costs to relocate the PortaPotty and the share shelf and we should think where we want to put them. Gretel reported that Niels can buy 2 more of the arbor shade cloths at a discount. Vote to buy the shade cloths was postponed to later in the meeting.

Treasurers Report

Angus reported that we are in good shape with the 2015 budget. In 2015, we will have about 250 fewer hours in labor costs than in 2014. This difference is because we did not build a wall this year.

Field Staff Report

Will reported that his team had installed all of the irrigation poles at University Housing and that the drop reels will be installed and the plumbing completed within the next week. Will noted that in addition to installing the 8 poles we agreed upon, he anticipates that gardeners will eventually want 2 or 3 more. He noted that installation of the irrigation poles has been easy and fast. Will reported that he has closed the loop with Robert on the check to reimburse overpayment.

Currently the water line in the 1300 row at Eagle Heights has a leak. Will and team will have to let it dry and then will replace the nylon fittings with bronze fittings. University Housing has given us the former ice skating rink at University Houses and is raising it 10 – 12 inches in height. Will described leaf management issues at University Housing. We will have to clear the old weed pile and turn it into a new leaf pile. We will also create a new leaf pile at the southwestern corner of the gardens. The university will be able to supply enough leaves early in the spring to last until late June and this process will work well for all concerned.

Barb A. reported that Brian Hudelson from the University Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic had identified the disease on the arbor grapes as downy mildew and recommended treating the grapes with fungicide. She is in favor of trying to nurture the existing grape vines as they are drought-resistant and provide just the right amount of shade. Will moved that we buy the 2 new shade cloths for the arbor. Barb L. seconded and the motion passed unanimously. There was agreement that we would have further discussion if we were to put up more than one shade cloth. Barb A. noted that Sheboygan Community Gardens, which is being razed for new development, contributed 8 perennials to the Arbor Garden.

Adam Farrell-Wortman and Tom Pearce have applied to be garden co-chairs. Each described their qualifications and interest in serving as co-chair. Will moved to appoint them co-chairs and Gretel seconded. The motion passed unanimously and they were congratulated on accepting the job.

Adjourned at 7:53 P.M. by Karen.

Post Meeting Discussion

Will reported that University engineering students will study water flow at the Eagle Heights Gardens from the weed and leaf piles through the woods and down to the lake as part of a capstone course. They may be able to recommend a system of berms and swales that will resolve water issues that particularly affect our weed and leaf piles. If their proposal is doable, they may be able to implement it by next year and the Friends of Preserve may assist with funding. This would solve a longstanding and especially difficult problem for the gardens.

Submitted by Barb A.
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee​

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

October 14, 2015, 6:30 PM
Eagle Heights Community Center

6:30 – Delicious Food and great conversation by Will, Sandra, Malcolm, Angus, Barb L., Adam, Eleanor, Cathie, Karen, Ann, Melita, Jan, Dave and Tom.

Adam welcomed everyone.

Adam started the meeting by reading our purpose statement, which he said was rather long. He said perhaps we could make it more concise.

Minutes - Sandra suggested a correction to the September minutes. She said the minutes stated the shed would need to be moved with the upcoming MGE project. Discussion ensued. It was agreed that the minutes should state the Share Shelf would need to be moved. Moved by Ann and seconded by Sandra to approve the minutes of the August 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Co- Chair report

Adam discussed expanding gardeners participation in the decision making of the gardens. He thanked everyone for coming, but Adam would like to expand participation. The people who come to the meeting are not representative of the gardens as a whole. Discussion ensued about the differing ethnic composition of work groups, garden survey respondents, and garden committee members, all of which are quite different.

Adam said that as co-chair, I was elected by this group, but I represent all gardeners, 1000 people. Karen said that maybe if we tried the path moniter idea, we might be able to get more input. Adam said he would publish the meeting time and agenda on our Facebook page. Jan said that the question of participation is not unique to the gardens. It might be a good idea to ask a community organizer. They have good ideas. Ann said that was a good idea. Tom said it might be a good idea to make a push in the spring. Will asked if we could put the committee minutes to the list serve to all gardeners. Cathie asked how we would follow up. Jan said she would provide Adam with the email of the new Resident Manager that has a lot of experience in community organizing.

Treasurer's report

Angus reported that we are on budget! Field staff hours are down this year by 250 hours. The lower garden worker hours probably account for the high balance we have this year relative to last year. We have just received the end of the year statement from Housing. There are some difficulties. There are two charges that are not ours and a credit that is not ours. The differences between the debits and credits are only $50.

Field Staff Report

Will said that Andy, the UW Plumber will turn off the water by the end of this week. Discussion ensued. There was general agreement that it is a good idea to turn off the water and drain the lines.

Gretel requested that we have enough plot poles to remark plots. Will said he and Dave have 120 yellow corner markers and 20 plot poles ready for number stamping. Will said that all of the poles come from conduit that FPM has removed from building and is recycled and free.

Will said that we need more tree tubes. The tubes protect the trees from rodents and winter sunscald. The tubes need to be replaced because the trees are larger now. We also need an orchard ladder to take care of the larger trees. The third item needed are two snathes (scythe handles) and 2 brush blade. Karen asked if one was purchased in January of 2015, when we approved its purchase. Will said it was out of stock when he tried to purchase it. Discussion ensued.

Motion by Karen, seconded by Barb L. to authorize the purchase of 100 tree tubes at a cost of $150-200; One orchard ladder at $180-220; and two snathes and two bush blades at a cost of $360. Passed unanimously. It was agreed to order the snathes and blades should be ordered right away due to lower availability in the spring.

We have a generator to use now if we need to use electricity. We can stored it in the shed.

Will said he met with the Shorewood folks and they agreed to clean up the University Houses weed pile. They will mix the weeds with leaves. We have asked Shorewood to fill the two leaf pile locations at University Houses first and they take leaves to Eagle Heights. Last year Shorewood delivered 260 loads of leaves to the gardens.

FPM has given the gardens 80 to 100 feet of modular chain link fence. Will said this fencing will make it possible to implement Dave’s idea about having three sections to the weed pile at Eagle Heights.

Evan and Will met and discussed storage of supplies. Will said we will have the use of a 20 by 15 foot space in Lot Z for bricks, metal and other supplies for the garden. Will said they supplies will not need to be stored outside the shed anymore and it will be easier to keep the shed area neat. Will said that due to construction, this storage location will be temporary.

Dave said they will be remarking plots into November.

Will said that the path is narrow in the 100’s line. When the plumbing line was replaced, sometimes the line was running uncovered thru plots. Cathie asked if the line needed to be covered so it would be protected from temperature. Adam said it needed to be covered to be protected from shovels. Will said the plot line might need to be move a foot in some places. Discussion ensued. Karen said that the group moving the line needs to be three or four people. She suggests marking the new line first and waiting a week or two to allow people to move perennials. Adam said that would be done.

Will asked if the new hose reels were working out. Sandra said they were good. Will said we need 4 more to do the rest of the garden. Tom said that Gretel had raised the question of the expense of the reels relative to the very few gardeners they would serve. Will said we didn’t have to decide now. Will asked if we could purchase new hose for the reel at a cost of $250.

Motion by Barb L. Seconded by Ann to authorize $250 for new hoses. Passed unanimously.

Mowing and Path Maintenance

Barb L. said she wants a path she can walk on easily. Weeds have fallen over and she catches her foot. Chunky weed are bad. They are big and nasty and she is unhappy about it. She does not want to trip. If this were her house, she would just mow it with her lawn mower. Adam asked what the problem was. Will said that once we quit mowing there were fewer grasses so weeds dominated.

Jan said that she was speaking as the bureaucrat and the gardens are being put on notice by this request. An accommodation needs to be made. Adam said it was a difficult year with all the rain. The university had to hire extra people to help with the mowing. Adam said we needed to change. Will said we need to change. The bindweed grows over the wood chips. Sandra said the bindweed needs to be snipped off in order to discourage it. Digging bindweed only spreads it.

Adjourned by 8:03pm by Adam.

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes
November 11, 2015, 6:30 PM
Eagle Heights Community Center

6:30 – Delicious Food and great conversation by Sandra, Malcolm, Adam, Tom,, Karen, Ann, Melita, Gretel, Tianxing, Niels, Jan, Dave and Will.

Tom welcomed everyone.

Minutes Moved by Ann and seconded by Gretel to approve the minutes of the October 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Co- Chair report

Tom started the meeting by reading our purpose statement, which is rather long. He said perhaps we could make it more concise. Will felt the mission statement should be 10 to 12 words, with supporting documents. Gretel said she thought it was wordy, but that we didn’t want to lose the concepts. The committee agreed with the concepts. Ann asked if we could prune the statement just with the people at the meeting before sending it to the 60 member discussion list. Gretel said we need to check if the discussion list people are all still gardeners and want to be on the list. Discussion ensued. Gretel asked if Tom and Adam would come up with a draft short statement and then send it to the discussion list. The committee agreed.

Tom asked if we have control of the website. Gretel said we do and that Dave is the webmaster. Tom pointed out that the website is out of date. Sandra said that all the rules on the website do not match the application.

The survey of 8 or 9 questions was sent to a small number of people to test it. Adam suggests we ask, “Are you finding the tools you need? and Is there anything missing?” Gretel asked if we could put in a list of tools. Another question could be, “Do you want to be part of the committee (meets the second Wednesday at 6:30 pm)?” Gretel said we did a survey at the seed fair last year and got about 200 responses. The garden is ending for the season, we need to do it soon. Sandra said the introduction needs to change. Gretel asked if we could send it out on Friday. Ann thought she could do it.

Registrar’s report

Gretel said that the Eagle Heights garden no parking signs are now up along the road. There is no parking M-F 7:30-5:30. The Frautschi Point lot is open. Also the entrance apron has new signs that say no parking. There are no bikes allowed in the Preserve, but bikes are okay in the plots and garden.

Dave, Gretel and a few volunteers have been doing plot marking. The 500 to 1100 rows have been done. The 500 and 600 rows are difficult because the lines curve and there are problems with the back posts. The boundaries need to be rationalized. We have run out of yellow conduit marker posts. Gretel needs $100 for new posts.

Motion by Karen and seconded by Ann for $100 to buy new conduit for posts. Passed unanimously.

Gretel also asked for more help marking plots. Karen, Ann and Niels volunteered to help.

The shed cleaning will be Sunday, November 29 at noon, starting with Eagle Heights and finishing at University Houses. Bring food to share and there is no workday credit for this quick job.

Opening Day 2016

Gretel proposed March 19, 2016 for opening day and April 2 for the seed fair. The committee agreed. Gretel said we will need to check the number posts before opening day. She will request the rooms for the Seed Fair.

Treasurer's report

Adam reported that Angus just received the numbers from Housing today and did not have time to prepare a report.

Field Staff Report

Will said there will be two workdays for the 100’s line path work, one on Saturday and on on Sunday. Two groups of 8-10 people would be great. Will said they can’t have more than 16 people. Gretel said she has more signed up for Saturday than Sunday. Will said that the 100’s line will be done before the snow.

Will said that after the October meeting, he contacted Shorewood about University Houses getting leaves first. Mostly Shorewood has been delivering leaves at University Houses first, except when it is too wet.

The new weed area at University Houses was built by the contractor with a gravel base. This is not good for the weedpile because there can’t be any gravel in the weeds when they are processed. Gravel breaks the equipment. UW FPM took out the gravel and put in $200 worth of fine limestone instead. We also need to have a barrier for the weeds and a place to push the weeds against when they are removed with heavy equipment. Will presented a design that includes an L shaped concrete barrier at the northeast edge of the new weed pile. Karen asked if there was enough room to move equipment in the new design without getting too near plots. Will said there is plenty of space. Both Shorewood and UW FPM were on site to discuss the proposal. The concrete blocks needed for the design will cost about $1000 from UW FPM. We will also need a smaller jersey barrier, but we can have one as salvage.

Motion by Karen and seconded by Tom to spend $1000 for the concrete blocks. Passed unanimously.

Will said the work will get done next week and that will give the limestone time to harden off during the winter. The weeds in the University Houses parking lot will be moved.

Will reported that the hose reels and hoses are already in the shed.

Dave asked if we needed to buy new tools. Will suggested that we should buy 4 more hose reels for University Houses. He said the last 4 would be twice as far apart. Gretel pointed out that the hose reels are a big expense and only serve 14 plots. Discussion ensued. Karen suggested that we look at proposal when we clean the University Houses shed in a few weeks and finish the discussion at the December meeting. The committee agreed.

Will said we will need to buy more digging forks.

Will said there is a problem with the pruning workday. The orchard ladder that was ordered has not yet arrived, so the planned workday will have to be delayed. Gretel said the cutoff day for workday completion is December 1st for workday credit for the 2015 garden year. Gardeners who do not do a workday or pay the fee are fined and lowered in their priority to get a garden next year. Will asked the committee’s permission to allow the pruning workday to finish after the deadline. The names of the gardeners and their plot numbers need to be "booked" before the deadline and Will will to send the names to Gretel by the December 1st. If the "pruners" didn't make the workday when it is held, they will pay the late fee as well as the "no workday" fee.

The committee agreed to allow the time extension for the pruning workday. The Co-Chairs Adam and Tom will deal with any complaints.

Mowing and Path Maintenance

Karen asked when we would discuss the issue of mowing and path maintenance brought up by Barb L. at the last meeting. Jan said it had to be addressed. Adam said the topic was set aside until December because Barb L. could not attend this meeting. Adam also said we have some time because the gardens are closing for winter. There are steps in the 700’s path that need rebuilding. Sandra said the website says grass is cut on common paths. She also said that all the rules on the website do not match the application. For example, the website says that 6” border extends all around the plot and the application says the 6” border is on the sides and back.

Tom asked if the minutes were posted on the website. Karen said they are usually posted after the committee approves them.

Adjourned by 8:02pm by Tom.

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes
December 9, 2015, 6:30 PM
Eagle Heights Community Center

6:30 – Delicious Food and great conversation by Sandra, Malcolm, Adam, Tom,, Karen, Ann, Melita, Barb L., Tianxing, Cathie, Barb A., Ric, Jan, Dave and Will.

Adam welcomed everyone.

Minutes Moved by Barb L. and seconded by Barb A. to approve the minutes of the November 2015 meeting. Passed unanimously.

Co- Chair report

Adam said that since Gretel stepped down from the Registrar position she will be extremely missed. She has a huge institutional knowledge and has provided continuity in the position since 2008. Adam asked people to write their thoughts about Gretel in her position so they could be included in the minutes.

“Gretel embodied the spirit of the community garden. It is fortunate that she will still be gardening at EH. Thank you, Gretel.” Malcolm

“Gretel’s professional rapport with all members of the garden community exemplified university best respect standards. Her tireless attention to detail and consistency has raised expectations and standards of Eagle Heights as a community as well as the gardens.“

“Gretel was exceptional as a garden registrar. She used her expertise to develop such a great community at the Eagle Heights Gardens. She made the gardens into a place we all loved.”  
Barb A.

“It was phenomenal to run into Gretel in the gardens. She always had time to identify plants, bugs, what was ripe and what was not, when to plant and so on. This was in addition to all her regular work.” Ann

“Gretel handled the complex, wide ranging and voluminous duties of the Garden Registrar with great competence and balance. It takes a special talent to navigate across all of the required duties that range from the mundane and clerical, to planning, to managing the inevitable conflicts that arise in a large community garden.” Ric

Opening Day

At the last meeting Gretel said that it would be difficult for her to be ready with the opening day on March 19th, but since she has resigned, we should consider moving opening day to give the new person in the position time to complete the plot assignment tasks. The Seed Fair is April 2nd. Discussion ensued. Ann asked if volunteer labor could be used for any of Gretel’s work. Jan said she didn’t know yet, she will be asking. Adam said he will keep the committee informed with the Garden Committee discussion list. Karen asked if we could announce plot assignments on April 1st on the website, the day before Seed Fair, so people could have their plot numbers. Tom asked if gardeners liked to work on their plots early and when the tools went out. Adam said the tools were usually out by opening day unless the ground was frozen.

Adam asked for a motion about moving opening day. Moved by Karen and seconded by Sandra to move opening day to April 1st. Passed unanimously.

Registrar Position Description

As Adam passed out the position description that was used to hire Gretel, he said that Gretel had concerns about how her job had grown since she had been hired. Adam also said that there is a difference between the budgeted hours and the reported hours, so we have more hours available. Ann asked if we could hire additional workers. Will said that not all hours he worked were reported. For example, he does not report hours answering emails. Barb A. said it would be a good idea to have a clear idea of what was actually happening.

Adam said he thought that the position should have duties in the garden and the office. The position could coordinate work groups and help decide what needed to be done. Barb L. asked how gardeners signed up on workdays. Adam said that the Garden Workers came up with the job for the workday, Gretel sent the email to the gardeners advertising the workday, the gardeners replied to Gretel, Gretel turned the list over to the Garden Workers when the required number of workers was reached, and the workers signed in at the workday. Will said we could use scheduling software to lighten this work. The workday responsibilities are complex and require insight. Discussion continued about the various tasks of the Registrar and of the interface with the workdays. Jan said she didn’t think that Gretel charged for a lot of the tasks.

Jan said that one of the most difficult tasks of the Registrar are grievances. They are, by nature, very unpleasant and time consuming. Karen said the conflict resolution is missing from the description. Barb A. said that there are 600 plots and it is a miracle that it works as well as it does. Cathie said that in the past Registrars worked very hard to build up a credible system. The Registrar represents UW.

Jan said that the Registrar is the vested authority to represent UW. In the best case scenario, we would want the chairs, but the chairs are busy. Realistically, it is difficult for the Chairs to have time. Cathie said it is important to remember that the Gardens are a shared community between the 'institutional structure of the University, and the Residents, Students and the Community.

Melita had concerns that we did not require the Registrar to have a Garden plot. Jan said we could state that we prefer the Registrar be a gardener. Barb L. said a huge part of the job is enforcement of the rules and the rest of it is clerical. Jan said that dispute resolution takes a large amount of time and can be very stressful. Sometimes we have to take away a garden plot.

Adam said the way the process works is that the Registrar would tell the gardener what the policy was that the gardener was not following. If the gardener does not correct the problem, the Registrar would inform the co-chairs, who would address the problem with the gardener. The co-chairs have the right to to make an exception, but the Registrar only states the policy. The decision of the co-chairs can be appealed to the Garden Committee.

Barb A. said if we are hiring someone new, I would like the person to be able to have a reasonable chance to do the job. We should look at what is not working and fix it. Adam said he totally agreed with Barb A.’s statement, but we need to remember that filling the position in a timely fashion is very important. Barb A. suggested we form a sub-committee to revise the Registrar position description. It was agreed and Tom, Ric, Karen, Barb A. and Adam will serve. Malcolm asked what the was expected outcome? The sub-committee will finish the position description before Christmas and maintain contact thru the discussion list. Ric asked if we really wanted to hire someone while we are still discussing the Registrar’s responsibilities? Adam said we have to hire someone.

Sandra asked if Gretel would have an exit interview. Jan said yes. Karen asked again about the idea that the Registrar would manage the workgroups. Barb L. said she thought that was too much work. Barb A. said that Gretel worked with her to find people to work on the Arbor Garden. Will said that we can’t discriminate about work groups. Ric said that something good comes out of personal interactions. Jan asked what can be broken out of the job. The job is too big. Adam said that Gretel walked around and discovered problems in the garden.

Cathie said that before we had an active Registrar enforcing the rules, people were at each other’s throats. Some of the problems went all the way to the chancellor. Tom said maybe Gretel was overburdened by all the problems coming to a single person. Barb A. said maybe it won’t be in the Registrar’s job. Dave said that Gretel had all these extra roles. Maybe we can distribute some of the jobs like a small business does when it grows larger. Sandra said that Gretel’s email to the committee states that back up support was not present. Gretel was basically the enforcer. Gretel’s December 8th email:

“Dear Garden Committee,

I want to put down a few thoughts as you look at the future of the Registrar's position. The position has had increasing demands and responsibilities but has suffered from a lack of support, authority and communication to meet the demands. The Registrar is point person without backup. Our current structure needs change so that gardener priorities and concerns are the guiding principles and accountability is enforced.

It is a good time to revisit the Mission statement, but no session of rewording is going to be worth the effort unless it is followed by decisions and actions that strive to meet those ideals.


Ric stated that the risk of removing the enforcement form the Registrar’s job would be that the enforcement would not be consistent. Ric said before Gretel came a fellow gardener was using pesticides and there was inconsistent enforcement of the rules. Gretel had a clear boundary and enforced the rules.

Jan said that the idea of the small business idea of distributing the tasks is good. Gretel was very consistent. Jan asked if everyone on this committee had a task that they brought back to the committee each month. Adam said that the idea of the row monitors could help take the load off the Registrar.

Adam also said the hiring process takes a long time. Adam said the sub-committee will send a draft to the discussion list. Adam would like to see less of a divide between office and field staff. Ann said she thought an important role of the Registrar was to be present in the Garden, observe what is happening and talk to gardeners, sometimes solving difficulties before the problems grow larger, and maintaining a presence. Cathie said she thought the idea of a coordinator was good. Jan said that we should write the description the way we want and then it will be checked by Human Resources before it is posted. Adam said it will be posted at UW, but we need to recruit good applicants. Ric asked if there was a community garden list where we could recruit? Jan said the City of Madison website has a list.

Barb L. said the job requires two different skill sets: process the applications and assign the plots, and enforcement. Dave said maybe the job could be divided. Jan said that hiring can take a long time, so it might be good if we had Plan A and Plan B. Adam said that the question is being asked if we can use volunteers as a stop-gap for any of the application process.

Sandra said we are going live with the Garden Applications and we are going to get a lot of garden applications next week. Jan said that all the applications come to the office and are date and time stamped. The Registrar takes the applications, the checks are cashed and the applications are stored until the February 15th deadline. Jan said the rule is that the checks must be cashed. Jan said she had a fear that if anything became a big problem, it would put the gardens at risk.

Barb L. asked if we could pay overtime for a Housing staff member to do the applications part of the job as a short term solution to the problem. Jan said she would find out.

Adam said that Angus was unable to be here, but we are on budget and have money to pay overtime to a qualified, presently employed house staff person.

Field Staff Report

Will asked for $200 more for a screening plan for the University Houses weedpile. Moved by Will and seconded by Barb L. to spend $200 for hedging or an earth berm. Passed.

Adjourned after 8pm by Adam

Submitted by Karen
Subject to correction by the Garden Committee

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