Thursday, April 11, 2024

March 2024


Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes

March 13, 2024

Remote Meeting

Lily, Ann, Barb A., Barb L., Ron, Jolene, Alan, Jessica

Minutes With a motion by Ann and seconded by Lily, the February 2024 minutes were approved.

Registrar Update

Lily reports that the gardens are almost full now and she expects them to be completely full by next week. She reported that the demographics of 2024 gardeners are overall at usual distributions, although there might be a slight uptick of resident gardeners (25 additional gardeners). Lily said there are plenty of volunteers for the Seed Fair. She is working with Kirsten of Blue Moon Farms to establish the plant sales dates, which will be similar to those last year. Lily reports that we received new dumpsters at Eagle Heights, including a dumpster for recycling. It's unclear whether metal can be recycled in this bin and whether we want it for the Gardens.

Lily said that Rosemary had questioned whether the 12-inch path between plots is sufficient now that many people have fences. There was a long discussion about the walkways. Lily thought we should work on enforcement before we change the rules on walkway width. She thought the new jury system will help identify gardeners not complying with the walkway rule and give a heads up when further discussion is needed. And she thought the juries should start earlier in the year. Committee members also discussed providing help to move fences, researching whether fences do help with pest control, and designating a time when the whole garden could concentrate on fence compliance.

Lily proposed that we schedule the weed pile sorting for May. She also talked about putting up informational sandwich boards signs at the weed piles and the dumpsters that can help us avoid having to do a weed pile sorting in the future. Lily also brought up that it would be good to touch base with current FH King/Peoples Farm gardeners to help them comply with our weed piles rules. Finally, she called the committee's attention to the GOC documents that Karen has been working on and said she would send them to the GOC.

Hiring More Garden Workers

Jolene reported that 6 and possibly 7 people have applied for the 3 garden worker positions. She expects that we should have a solid crew of garden workers by early April.

Jolene will be traveling for family business, but will remain our primary University Housing contact. One of her co-workers may fill in when she has to be gone.

Finally, Lily brought up the issue of the shed locks and the fact that as people leave, they often don't return their keys. Jolene will look into getting a keypad lock for the shed.

Motion by Barb L and seconded by Ann to adjourn.

Adjourn at 7:50 PM