Eagle Heights Garden Committee Minutes
January, 2025 7 PM
Remote Meeting
Alex, Lily, Ann, Ric, Barb A, Pam, Jessica, Jolene and Karen.
Alex started the meeting.
Minutes With a motion by Barb A and seconded by Lily, the November 2024 minutes were approved.
Registrar Update
Seed Fair April 5, 2025 and Seed Sort January 20, 2025.
Garden plot renewals are at the same pace than previous years but new applications are lower. Lily will advertise in the UW Housing Apartment newsletter. Blue Moon Farms will again do our cool and warm weather plant sales. We are receiving nice seed donations. Gardeners asking for less strenuous work days will help with the more extensive seed repackaging.
Lily asked if the committee thought a postdoc was classified as student or staff. The committee agreed postdocs are students.
Workday Report so far
195 gardeners participated in garden worker lead workdays, 142 have paid the no workday fee and 73 have not done anything yet. This is following the same trend as previous years. We will have the final report after Feb 15th.
Food Pantry
Andrew with UW Housing connected Lily with Open Seat Pantry, which is a food pantry on campus for UW apartments residents and students. They will provide a collection barrel at Eagle Heights Garden. The pick up time will be 4pm Wednesday at Eagle Heights Garden.
Request for Blueberries north of E8 at University Houses
A gardener has asked about planting blueberries in this space. This is a difficult space due to shading and walnut trees. After discussion, the Committee decided to come up with a plan for the north tree line before acting.
We have reserves for next year and can pursue the new water line up the 300’s.
UW Plumbers have our request for a consultation but we do not have an answer yet.
There was a discussion about buying compost for both gardens. The idea would be 1 portion per plot at no cost. Lily will explore the idea.
Gardening on a Budget
Lily is working on some information for gardeners on gardening on a budget. She would like people to understand that gardening need not be expensive.
Garden Worker Update
Pam said that the carts and tools were put away by December 1st. Pam will be returning to the garden. A friend of hers is looking at the weed whackers and trying to fix them. Pam will get the chargers looked at too.
Recruitment and retention
Jolene said that since HR has put an end date on TE appointments and that Lily, Pam and Nick are returning. A resident gardener is interested in the 3rd position. Discussion ensued. Pam thinks three garden workers are good. Jolene will start the process with the person interested in the Garden Worker position.
Jolene said January is the month the Committee decided to take action on retention raises for staff. The employees left the meeting. Discussion ensued. The committee decided all returning gardens would receive a $.50 raise per hour. Jolene said she is not sure when the raise will take effect as this is HR’s decision. The new garden worker would be hired at $17 per hour.
Motion by Ann and seconded by Barb A to adjourn.
Adjourned just after 7:45 pm
Submitted by Karen, subject to correction by the Garden Committee